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HAPPY belated HALLOWEEN 🎃 👻 ‼️

Riddle 29: what invention lets you look right through a wall??

Elva Trenton
*later that night*

"He should be here any minute girl. Are you ok?"

I looked over at Cherry and laughed. I don't know why she was saying that, I knew he wouldn't leave me hanging.

"See girl here he is. Go, go, go, go,go"

"Leave her alone she gotta get her shit damn!"

Renee said walking in with Reign on her hip.

"Girl bye and Elva have a great night and remember don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I only shook my head, saying good bye before walking out the door. I skipped all the way to Xen before jumping into his arms that were open for me. he spun us around a few times before placing me back into the ground.

"I've missed you so much babygirl."

"I-ive me-messed you to-too."

We pulled away from each other to get in the car.

"S-so whe-where a-are we go-going?"

He shrugged his shoulders looking over at me.

"It doesn't really matter. We can go get some food and go to the Valley or we can get food and go to my place."

I thought over it for a minute before picking the Valley. I've never been to the Valley but I've always heard how beautiful the place was and I wanted to go. The Valley was basically like a "mountain", like the kids like to call it but it's pretty much a hill but everyone goes there for dates but more like making out. Sometimes they play movies up there but it's mostly on the weekends.

"Ca-can we ge-get fo-food and then g-go to the Va-valley? I've ne-never bee- been before."

"Alright cool we can get food and go there but I want to go get a blanket and stuff from the house then we'll get the food and go to the Valley, did you want to go get some snack foods for later or something?"

"If yo-you want w-w-we ca-can."

"Pick something to listen to for me babygirl. "

"O-oh hone-honestly it's ok, w-we ca-can lis-listen what-whatever you li-like."

"Nah pick something."

He saids as he continued driving down the road.

"Ho-how was wor-work?"

"It was alright, I had to tell this one dude off though. He tried to tell me what I was going to do when I was on my break and I had to let him know that wasn't going to work. I tried not to go off cause that's not what Mrs. B would have wanted me to do, she says to breathe in and out and think of something that makes me smile, I even counted but I couldn't ignore him or block him out and I don't understand why I couldn't but I just couldn't but it is what it is. I gave about 4 massages today and I even got to mix shampoos, conditioners, body rubs and putting them in their correct jars or bottles."

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