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            -Elva and Xen have known each other for 6 months

Riddle 30: if you've got me, you'll want to share me; if you share me, you haven't kept me. What am I??

⚠️ Abusive Content!!!! ABUSIVE CONTENT!!! ⚠️

Elva Trenton
*same day/back at home*


"Shut the fuck up talking to me! I can't stand the way you talk."

I froze as she got louder and closer to me.

"Wh-where's my d-dad?"

I said stepping back.

"He had to work late."

"O-oh ok w-well I th-think I wi-will ju-just go to my r-room now the-then."

"Oh no you won't be going to your room. That shouldn't even be your room,  you should be somewhere in a physic ward or something."

if my heart could drop anymore right now it would. Does she think I'm crazy? Does everyone think I'm crazy? Does Xen think I'm crazy? Maybe I am crazy. I mean look at me? I am crazy and mentally stupid.

"And don't think for a fucking minute I didn't see who dropped your fast ass home Elva! Are you fucking him? Sucking his dick? Is that why he wants you're fast ass?-"

She said grabbing my face pulling me closer to her. I went to push her hand away but she slapped it away.

"Oh fucking wait of course that's why he's fucking with you because why else would someone as good looking as him, besides the stupid mentally ill problem, he supposedly has, want to be with someone as dumb and ugly as you?"

She said before pushing me back into the door. I groaned out as I slide down the door holding the back of my head.

"I-im no-not ha-"

"I-i-i-i-i shut the fuck up dumb ass!I know your fucking him and when I tell your dad, you're going to get it. Maybe he will finally send your stupid ass away like I've been trying to do since I got here."

"Se-send me a-away? Wh-why would yo-you wan-want to d-do th-that?"

She rolled her eyes before grabbing me by my hair and picking me up. I screamed out, telling her to stop and I knew that's when I messed up. She immediately released her hold of me with her right hand, pulled back and punched me in my left eye. I cried out and went to push her away but she quickly grabbed my hand twisting it until she heard a cracking sound. She released me as I went down screaming as I held my throbbing arm.

"See you're pathetic and weak."

"Wh-why d-dont  y-you l-like m-me?"

"I don't need to like you."

I started trying to move back as she walked over to me but of course I just wasn't fast enough because next thing I knew she kicked me, making me release my broken arm, leaving it open and on the ground,  to clench my now throbbing stomach. She stepped on my injured arm. I screamed, releasing my stomach and punched her in her leg, begging her to get off my foot but she continued to put more pressure on my arm.  She finally stepped back after what felt like an eternity, smiling down at me.

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