18. zoey 101

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alyssa pov

i was sitting at a table in the coffee shop texting the group chat. i went up to the cash register to order another cup of tea. as i am getting my tea someone bumps into me and spills it ALL over me.
"ow! shit!" i say as i look down to see the broken glass and tea all over me.
"oh my- fuck, i'm sorry!" the girl says as she runs to get napkins.
"i'm so sorry! oh my god i'm such an ass." the girl said. she had brown hair put into a messy bun and had a sorta skater girl vibe.
"it's, it's fine." i say as i grab a napkin from her and start wiping down my shirt.
"i'm alyssa." i say as we finished cleaning up the tea on the floor.
"i'm zoey marie. just call me zoey though, only my dad calls me zoey marie." she said as she put the napkins in the trash.
"gotcha. do you go to east?" i say as i order another cup of tea.
"west. i'm assuming you go to east. by the uh, hoodie." she says looking down at my grey "east" sweatshirt.


"but then i fell and almost broke my neck." zoey said as she laughed.
damn. she's cute.
"holy fuck, it's 7 pm." i say as i look at my phone.
"oh damn, i should probably head home." she says as she grabbed her skateboard.
"i mean, i can drive you." i say as i get up and grab the keys to my honda civic.
"it's fine. it's not too dark. thanks for the offer." she said as she put her phone in her picked and proceeded to walk out the door. she turned back around and said,
"hey you're straight right?"
"quite gay actually." i say as i leave the cafe.

meet zoey smith! alyssa's future 'friend'?
here are some pictures:

meet zoey smith! alyssa's future 'friend'? here are some pictures:

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zoey is portrayed by sky katz

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zoey is portrayed by sky katz. yeah idk she looked old enough. yeah. TRIPLE UPLOAD CAUSE IM VERY BORED

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