Chapter 8

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Nobody dared to speak throughout the ride home. All I could hear was the music coming from the radio. We stopped in front of my house, and Jordi turned the car engine off.

We both got out of the car and I fumbled while getting my keys from the bag. "Come in, wala pa si Mama. Ate Ana's here, though." I said while removing my shoes.

He entered the house quietly, not forgetting to take his shoes off. "You have a wonderful home," he said while looking around.

Huminto siya sa tapat ng mga picture frame. Puro picture ko 'yung nakasabit, simula pagkabata hanggang junior high graduation ko.

I saw him taking out his phone. Nako! May balak atang picture-an 'yung mga naka-display. Hinayaan ko nalang siya. Cute naman ako doon, e. Char! Hahaha. Kapal talaga ng mukha.

"What do you want to do? Netflix? Review for UPCAT? Eat again?" I offered while making myself comfortable sa couch.

He sat down beside me. "Let's review! The exams are around the corner, anyway. We should be prepared."

"You mean I should review. May slot ka na sa varsity, e! Matik na 'yon. If only it were that easy." I said while taking my reviewers out. He remained silent.

"What's your favorite subject?" I asked him. I never asked him about school kaya I took this as an opportunity to do so.

"Obviously, P.E." He said while rolling his eyes. "Nah, I'm kidding. I have a knack for science, especially physics. I'm planning to become a pilot in the future after pursuing basketball." Oh, wow. Same dream!

Meant to be nga talaga kami nito. Char!

"Wow! Sana all magaling sa physics. Gusto ko rin," I said while pouting.

He chuckled, "Well, I could tutor you."

Ay, bet!

He got the reviewer and started teaching me the concepts I was confused with. Ang galing niya! I understood everything in one go. He made everything sound basic — ABC, 123 lang, ganon.

We were reviewing together for almost two hours. It was already 9:00 PM. Baka ma-traffic si Jordi! Shit! We lost track of time.

"Huy, I think you need to go home now. It's late! Traffic, Jords. Baka mapagalitan ka pa ng parents mo." I said in a worried tone while fixing my things. Binalik ko ulit sila sa bag at tumayo na.

Jordi stretched and stood up. "You sure you can handle this?" He was worried. "Syempre! Magaling 'yung tutor ko, e." I said while nudging him.

Naglakad na kami palabas at napahinto sa tapat ng kanyang sasakyan. Bago siya pumasok sa loob nito, I hugged him. Like, bear-hugged him. He was stunned, and I even felt his heart beat faster.

"Thank you for teaching me. I don't know how to pay you back so I'll hug you instead. Ingat pauwi, okay? Message me as soon as you arrive. Drive safe, Jordi." I said and let go already.

He ruffled my hair and smiled. "It's no big deal. I'm glad I got to help. You can always message me about some areas you're confused with. It won't bother me, really. See you next time, Emilia. You should rest." He said and got in his car.

FANGIRL (Jordi Gomez de Liaño)Where stories live. Discover now