Prologue: Beginning

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/N) is right now in his bed sleeping inside his dorm, but then he starts to wake up. He stretches and rubs his eyes, he looks over at his alarm and sees it's 7:50 A.M.

(Y/N): Ah crap, I'm gonna be late!

He rushes to get out of his bed, cleaned himself, change into his uniform, and rushes towards his class.

Time Skip

As (Y/N) runs through the halls, he stops in front of a class door. He catches his breath and opens the door, but unfortunately, he had gotten a glare from Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: Mr. (L/N), it appears you're late, this is the 4th time this month.

(Y/N): I know and I'm sorry, but I have a reason this time.

Aizawa: And that reason is...

(Y/N) then grabs his bag, pulls out a few pieces of paper, and hands them over to Aizawa. He looks over the papers and then looks over at (Y/N) with an emotionless face.

(Y/N): I was trying to make up all the work I missed.

Aizawa: ...*Sigh* Alright, I'll let it slide for now, but you have to stay the extra minutes.

(Y/N): Y-yes sir, I understand.

Aizawa: Please take a seat.

(Y/N) walks down the row, but then he almost trips when Bakugo places his foot out in front of him to make him fall over.

Bakugo: Oh I'm sorry, I just thought trash should probably stay on the floor.

(Y/N) just looks away in disgust as he walks to his seat that is next to one of his girlfriends.

He looks over at her and gives her a reassuring smile

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He looks over at her and gives her a reassuring smile. She smiles back, but it wasn't the same one that he did, it felt more like she was faking it.

(Y/N): So later you wanna take notes together?

Izumi: Um maybe next time, I need to do something later.

(Y/N): Oh, Um sure I understand.

The class was just continuing on, but then Izumi looks at (Y/N) with a disgusted face and looks back to the board. Most of the time, as (Y/N) tries to pay attention in class, some of the other students would be either fire spitballs, paper balls, insults, and glares at him. (Y/N) just started quiet, knowing that if he did anything, he'll just get himself in trouble.


*Woah X4* Strike Back

It shows (Y/N) standing in front of a giant gate and then 13 other ghostly figures stand right behind him and the whole base is surrounded by a bright light.

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