The Message

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Shoutout to BDKris02, LoganW21406-1, HyperSonic1811, and SnowMikaelson for helping out with this.

2 Weeks Later

3rd Person POV:

Fireworks are heard, people are eating and chatting with friends, Children are running around and playing, and Music is heard from across the area. Today is the Hero Festival. A time to not only celebrate the ages of Heroes and Saviors but a chance to celebrate the new years, hoping that the next will be even better than the last. Right now, as everyone celebrates, the principals are admiring the festivities from atop of their office. the elevator doors open and 2 people walk in.

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These people are known as Kurayami (L/N) and Akari (L/N), the parents of (Y/N) (L/N)

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These people are known as Kurayami (L/N) and Akari (L/N), the parents of (Y/N) (L/N). As both adults make themselves known, the principals notice them and greet them with kindness and hospitality.

Ozpin: Ahh, Kurayami, Akari, so good to see you.

Kurayami: Heh, same to you too, old man.

Akari: Oh honey, show much respect.

Nezu: It's fine, Ms (L/N), after all, it's a festival. We should all be celebrating.

Sirzechs: Indeed, this is a time of peace and happiness.

Akari: *Giggles* I suppose you're right, well how are you all?

Hanzo: Fine, we've just been making sure that our students are well behaving and trained. After all, it's this school's job to train the next generation of heroes.

Kurayami: And what about... our son?

The room had become dead silent with no one saying a word and the atmosphere was so thick you can almost feel it. Ozpin only gives them a sigh and looks out the window.

Ozpin: Well, unfortunately. Young (Y/N) is no longer with us.

Akari: You mean he's... oh my.

Sirzechs: The kid didn't have what it takes. Sad that he lost his life.

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