The morning before the ball.

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Birds begin chirping outside the window as the sun rise hits the room ever so softly. The light bounces of the dress I left hanging the night before making it glisten in the sunlight. I take a deep breath out of my nose before forcefully pulling myself up in my bed. I look over at the clock ticking on the wall. 10.00 AM. Not back L/N i think to myself.

I pull myself out of bed and place the book i was reading on the nightstand before walking over to my wardrobe. All the memories from last night haven't resurfaced fully. I grab something comfortable to wear that I can eat breakfast in without having to undo any buttons. I put on a pair of black leggings and a Slytherin sweatshirt before grabbing the same book i was reading last night and heading out the dormitory.

I head down the stairs and it's oddly quiet, there is nobody in sight. That all changes once i hit the Great Hall.

Hundreds of excited teenagers all chatting about tonight. I totally forgot about the yule ball. Excitement fills my heart and makes me smile ever so wildly as my body jolts at the thought of it. I sit down a couple seat from Draco and his annoying ass friends. I decide to take no notice of him and prop the book on the table. I grab two sliced of toast and begin chomping away as I read the story.

Every second or so i keep brushing my hair behind my shoulders which gets annoying so i use a quick spell to tight it up in a bun. As my head is tucked away in the book i feel a light pull on my bun which makes it release completely. The strands on my hair falling down my back and around my shoulders. I tense my eyebrows and swing my head around so fast it could almost fall off and I see Fred. As soon as we lock eyes a sad feeling hits my stomach and the memories of last night unfolded.

"You a'ight cock?" Fred tilts his head to the side trying to read my face.

I slightly shake my head to try and get rid of the saddened plastered across my face. I wanted to tell him i really did but Fred has grown very fond of Cedric. They get along so well and I don't want to possibly ruin their friendship. I'm able to pull a weak smile from the corner of my lips before he sits down next to me. I follow his motion as he slumps down on the bench. He sits with his back to the table and his elbows propping him up.

"I don't think Angelina want's to go with me to the ball." He says as he runs his hand through his hair and sighs. I twist my body towards him and look at him with confusion. The ball is tonight and i'm sure no girl would want to break off their date it's to risky i'm sure everyone else is taken now. Fred notices the confused tension in my face and pursed his lips to the side.

"Maybe i'm just overthinking it Y'know." he blabbers on about how she hasn't spoken to him since dinner last night and i roll my eyes when i hear it. He's clearly overthinking. Fred continues to talk about the ball and what he's going to wear but my eyes and mind drift somewhere else. I notice Draco's cold eyes staring directly at me with a menacing look on his face. What did i even do to him? I decide to challenge his staring as I keep my eyes locked onto his. I get flustered and  roll my eyes at him and take my attention back to Fred. I hear him chuckling which pisses me off even more.

"You shouldn't worry about it Fred, She seems totally into you.!" I laugh as I poke him arm. A sigh of relief escapes his mouth as he nods in agreement. 

"Yeah i'm so sexy." He smirks to himself dusting off his jumper before standing back up. 

He's so full of himself I can't help but giggle. He pats me on my head as I wave goodbye and he goes back to his table. Sometimes I wish i was in Gryffindor, I'd be with all my true friends. I rest my hand on my chin and sigh before putting my book away and heading out the great hall. I wanted to get some homework done before getting ready for the ball.

I arrive at the library and i'm already yawning. I just know the rest of the day after this lonesome study session is going to be tiring. I drop my bag on the floor next to a chair before spinning around on my heels trying to find the right book. I walk down the endless bookshelves tracing my index finger along them as i walk. 

"Ah ha!" I say out loud as I pin my eyes on a transfiguration book. I reach for it and walk back to where I left my bag. sitting down on the chair. I begin to flip the pages with my wand whilst i grab some parchment. 

An hour had passed and i was nearly done writing this essay. I lean back in my chair and stretch my arms out wide. God i'm exhausted. The door to the library opens and Cedric walks in. His face looked pale like he hadn't eaten and i couldn't help but worry about him. I study his movements as he walks across the bookshelves. looking into his soft, green eyes mesmerised by them. I quickly snap out of the trance remembering what he did. My eyes locked into his which i soon began to realise he was looking right back at me. Before i could divert my eyes he weakly waves and walks over to me.

My heart begins to beat out of my chest, what am i suppose to say to him?

"Y/N, come with me." He whispers in my ear. My blood ringing with rage as my index finger and thumb pinch my bottom lip in frustration. I turn my head to see his large body hovering over me. I gulp at the intimidating presence and stand up from my seat. I follow him out of the library, my eyes darting at the floor watching my feet. We turn a corner and Cedric grabs my wrist painfully.

"Ow!" I Squeal before nipping at his fingers to get him off me.

"Look" He sighs while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Despite what happened last night I just want to make sure you and me are on the same page." He looks up from the ground with an act of innocence.

"And what page is that?" I spit crossing my arms and giving him a deathening glare.

"That we're still going to the ball together."

"I promise i broke it of with her last night."

He takes my hands into his practically begging for my forgiveness. I don't want to forgive and I really don't. My mind wanders to Draco's stupid face and what he would say if he found out i didn't have a date and not only that but I was cheated on. He wouldn't let me hear the end of it. A moment of silence fills the air, "Fine." I mutter under my breath. Cedric cups me in his arms and hugs me tightly thanking me profusely. I force a fake smile onto my face before he whisks away around the corner.


What was i thinking. I was back in my dorm now standing in front of the dress my father had gotten me. This night was meant t- No it is going to be magical. Just this one night i won't think about what he did. This night is going to be perfect and i'd be damned if Cedric, Draco or Cho ruins it.

I sit at the desk and pull out my makeup, gently applying the foundation, concealer and setting powder. Something off. A grab my wand at turn on the record player placed next to my room door. Better. I sigh as I begin picking out different shades of eye shadow. I go for a smoky green look. My heart begins to flutter when I turn my attention to the dress hanging above my bed through the mirror. 

I hop up off the chair and change out of my comfy clothes a black, corset lingerie dress as back up just in case something happens with the one my father bought me. I then carefully slide the green dress over my head and over my curved body. The V-neck straps rested comfortably over my shoulders and most of my upper back was exposed. I was thankful my father considered my chest area and only a little bit was exposed. I slide my feet in some dark green high heels to match the look and a charmed necklace to finish it off. 

[[I'm so excited for the next parts that are going to happen! I hope you're enjoying this story <3 ]]

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