Morning with Draco.

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What time and when did I fall asleep last night. I open my eyes and look around the room as a sigh of relief escapes my chest. I'm safe in my own room. I squint my eyes at the sunlight beaming through my bedroom windows as I pull myself up right. Cracking my neck and yawning, trying my best to wake myself up some more as I notice someone on the floor.

Draco? Why is he asleep on the floor? I smile begins tugging at my lips as I look at him. Did he stay because he was worried? I get up out of bed stretching once more before grabbing my blanket, placing it over him. How can somebody sleep on their back. His hair dangling from down towards to ground and his lips slightly apart. I stare at him for a moment and my cheeks begin burning.

I can't help but look at his lips and I suddenly remember what happened in the closet. Though I originally told him it was a mistake, I don't regret any of it. I start to peel the dry skin of my top lip as the nerves begin creeping up my body. God he looks so peaceful. I glance over at the clock before moving my eyes back to him. 9:00 AM. Jesus i could of slept more. 

I drop back down on the sit of my bed, Resting my elbow on my knee and placing my head in the palm of my hand. Maybe I should put him in my bed. There is no way the floor in comfortable. I tug my upper lip upwards at the thought of myself being on that floor right now. 

"Y'know L/N if you're going to stare at least take a picture for later." A raspy low voice comes from him tugging his smile downwards as he opens his eyes fully.

"Oh shut up." I say in a huff kicking his leg. His voice took me by surprise and it actually sounded quiet sexy. I honestly wish I could take a picture of him like that as well. Wait... what the hell am I saying?

Draco lifts himself up and rubs his eyes yawning a contagious yawn as it makes me yawn as well. I can't help but giggle at the way his hair looks. I've never seen it so un-groomed before.

"What." The same raspy but now annoyed voice comes from him.

"You look like buckbeak, only untamed with that messy hair." I tease pointing at his head.

Draco scoffs as he throws my blanket at me nearly knocking me backwards. He stands up walking over to the mirror and tries brushing it with his fingers. Do boys even know how to tame their hair? I stand up and walk over next to him and my elbow brushes passed his.

"Sit down." I command, pointing at the chair next to him. Surprisingly he did without a fight.

I take my brush and I begin lightly tugging at his hair. Being careful not to hurt him. I lean down with my face inches away from his. Licking my lips and biting them from how chapped they are. At the bottom of my eyes I can see him staring at them. His eyes darting between mine and my lips. The warmth from blushing starts to creep across my cheeks as I try to stay focused on his hair.

"There." I quickly say leaning away from him. He looks in the mirror and puts a few strands in different places before nodding slightly. I sit on the side of my bed and begin brushing through my own hair. I pout my lips trying to decide what hair style i should do.

There's a silence that quickly fills the room as I continue to brush the knots out of my hair. But it's a peaceful silence.

I turn my head towards Draco who's messing around with my perfume bottles I had neatly arranged on top of the table. 

"Should I do loose twin braids or just a single one?" I tilt my head as I wait for him to respond.

"What." He sounds dumbfounded. "I don't even know what they are." He turns his head away from me and back to the perfume bottles.

"Draco." I move myself into the middle of my bed crossing my legs into each other, patting the space in front of me. "Come here." I gesture. I can't believe he doesn't know what braids are. I have to teach him. What if his future wife or daughter needs help doing their hair. He's such a lost cause. He looks at me for a moment before giving in, standing up and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Watch carefully." I sarcastically smile and I pull a chunk of my hair over my shoulder. I begin to slowly plait my hair, explaining to him a long the way.

"Why are you showing me this." He huffs rolling his eyes before darting them into mine.

"How are you going to do your future daughters hair." I whine slapping the side of his arm. "It takes seconds to learn, here come closer and use this side of my head to practice." I curl my index finger gesturing him to sit closer.

"This is totally a waste of time." He sighs sitting closer to me as our knees touch. 

A couple moments pass as i watch him try his best to do it.

"Inwards...Yes!" I cheerfully smile as he managed to do the first step.

After a while I begin to lose all hope. This boy couldn't do a braid if it meant his life was on the line. I laugh at him as the annoyed expression on his face grows more and more.

"Stop it." He growls, tensing his eyebrows inwards trying to figure out how to do it.

"I will get this done." He moves his head closer to mine. Though hes just trying to get a better look at my hair I can't help but blush. Why do i keep feeling like this around him?

"I thought this was a waste of time?" I tease. Giggling more at the sight of him getting more and more fed up. Eventually he lets out a loud tut before realising my hair and leaning his head back onto one of the four poles. I hear him quietly mutter 'whatever' Before standing up and grabbing his blazer.

All of a sudden we hear a light knock of the door. Our heads both spin at each other in fear hoping it isn't a professor. If he's caught in my room we both could get expelled. I run right over to him pushing him into the wardrobe he's stood in front of. I hear him laugh as I straighten myself before answering the door.

Professor Snape stood patiently waiting outside. Even in the morning he looks acceptably scary.

"P-professor, What brings you here?" I step to the side gesturing him into the room.

"No need, Miss L/N. I've come to inform you that you're presence is needed by Miss's Mcgonagall."

 I tilt my head, slightly nodding. I slowly close the door as I hear a thud come from my wardrobe. I squint my eyes shut hoping Snape didn't hear it but his foot stops me from closing the door all the way.

"Everything alright sir?" I open the door again only a few inches as I watch him pop his head around the door scanning the room.

"Yes... Just make sure you're keeping the castle ghosts out at night." 

I sigh in relief as I shut my bedroom door leaning agaisnt it. I use my wand to open the wardrobe letting Draco know he can step out.

"What the hell did you do?" I whisper walking closer to him.

"My foot fucking slipped on one of your stupid heels." 

I laugh, covering my mouth at the sight of him nearly falling flat on his arse.

"Well leave whenever you like but I have to go to Mcgonagall." I turn around and head for the door.

"In that?" He gestures his wand up and down while a smirk tugs the side of his lips. I watch him as his eyes study me. looking at me all over.

"Quick being a perv and get out!" I grab his arm and start pushing him out the door. Closing it behind him. I quickly get dressed and head to Professor Mcgonagall's office.

Is He Capable Of Love? (Y/N x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now