Chapter 0 - Saris

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Looking up into a darkening sky, where both the moon and sun kissed the curve of the horizon, I saw and heard no one, but I felt a presence in the air and on my skin. I turned and walked back into a half-lit room that smelled of old food and paper bags.

My companion sat in a booth in front of a large window, looking like he was facing the end of a terrible day. His usual cheery demeanor was tainted by the cuts and bruises on his face. Blood was soaking into his white shirt, paling his complexion and making him look ghostly.

I crossed the tiled floor and sat across from him, "A window seat, huh? That's daring."

He looked back at me, a sly grin creeping on his face as he spoke, but it didn't reach his eyes. The smile made the fresh cut across the length of his cheek widen, "Can't make it too hard for them."

His face twitched painfully before slinking back into a tired scowl. He raised a hand toward the large cut but thought better of it, wiping some of the blood off his chin instead. It had been a long day for both of us.

"It was my fault," I sighed, looking at my bruised hands. "I missed the signs."

He shrugged, "Just a mistake. It happens."

"Yeah, well, that mistake got half of us killed pretty quick." I looked out the window, forcing myself to let go of my guilt and frustration. "It's not safe here. We should get going."

He didn't move, instead, changing the subject. "Ya know, Saris, I'm tired of this whole thing."

"You're not the only one," I agreed.

"Sometimes, I think it'd be easier to just lay down and die."

I smiled, "That would make it too easy for them." He chuckled but didn't smile back. "I told you we can't stay here. Let's go."

"I know, I know. I feel it too." He sighed, looking out the window. The sun had dipped lower and all that could be seen from the glass was our shadowed reflection and the dark of the night. "I guess I just needed a minute to sulk. Think I'm good now. How long do you think we have before they find us?"

Just as the words left his lips, the window shattered and exploded around us. Shards of glass cut my face and I instinctively jumped out of the booth, shielding my eyes as I inwardly cursed. More explosions sounded and a cloud of dust filled my vision. As it settled, I looked to where my companion had been, but it was too late; he was already gone.

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