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Cedric separates from Draco and I as we walk to medical. The sky is dark and the hallways empty, everyone must have gone to bed already.

We walk the corridors with only wands for light for what seems like centuries, turning left and right and trying to avoid the magic stairs in the dark, because at this time who knows when we'd get help if we went to the wrong floor. 

As we walk I begin to think about the day. It was my first day at Hogwarts and already I've been so a secret bridge and lake path and into the forbidden forest and now, in the middle of the night I'm on my way to the hospital. I miss my old school. 

My attention is brought back to the bleeding boy walking beside me. "So, what even happened out there?" I asked softy as we turned the corner into the next hallway. He stopped and looked at me, with sharp eyes. 

"I was attacked! Isn't that obvious?" he yells. My eyes slip onto the floor and my breath hitches as he keeps walking. "Aren't you coming?" He asks, close to the hospital door.

"Do you want me to?" 

He looks at the ground and then back at me, "I'm sorry I yelled. I need you to tell the nurse that I- I like got this in the forest and not from fighting someone."

"You need me to what?" I ask, "What would give her the wrong impression?"

"I got into some trouble last year and they won't believe me if you're not there, please?" he runs his good arm through his messy blonde locks. 


I walk closer to him and we enter into the hospital together, the nurse immediately shooing us into a hospital bed as to not get more of Draco's blood on the floor. 

"Alright now, Mr. Malfoy, let's take a look at this," she examines Draco's arm and he bites his lip. "Looks like we got ourselves some cuts and a good ol' fashioned sprain darling." She uses a spell and bandages up his arm, and gives him a potion and tells him he'll have to stay the night. She leaves and the room is dark besides for the couple of candles on the nightstand beside us. 

I shiver in my chair and decide now is the time I get back to my dorm. Daphne's probably wondering where I am, and besides I need to get to sleep. Draco can handle himself from here. I get up from my chair and begin to leave, "See you tomorrow," I smile. 

"Wait!" Draco beckons. He sits up in his hospital bed, "You're leaving?"

"Well you don't need me anymore to corroborate your story sooo, yeah."

"Cassie, please. I hate the dark." He looks to the ground again, "I don't want to be alone."

I think for a second, and then say, "Okay, Malfoy, but if I'm going to stay the night, you're sharing that bed. There is no way that I am going to be sleeping in that chair."

He smiles, and moves over so there's space in the bed for me. I kick off my shoes and lay next to him. He covers my body in the blanket and lays his hand over my side so we're spooning. "Is this okay?" he asks softly.

"yes," I whisper back. I take a deep breath and smile, he smells like sweet green apples and mens cologne, and as we intertwine we softly fall asleep together. 


I wake up and for a few seconds I forget where I am. I'm staring up at the ceiling and when I remember, I reach my arm out to find an empty bed. I sigh, and turn over to still smell the linger of the blonde boy. To my surprise, next to the blown out candles, is a box of chocolate frogs staring right at me. 

I check my watch for the time and slide out of the hospital bed, seeing as it's still quite early and I might be able to make it to my dorm without anyone noticing. I grab the chocolates and slip into my boots, quietly sneaking out of the hospital. I pass through the corridors, sneaking quickly through the halls to make sure i'm not caught by any teachers. I'm lucky too, because even the portraits are asleep at this hour. 

As I through one hallway though I hear a giggle. Who could even be up this early? I look around and my eyes land on the old girl's bathroom. I remember from the tour that it's off limits, but I need to know who saw me. 

I take a step into the bathroom and begin to look around for who could be giggling. A shiver runs down my back and I continue to check each stall. 

"What are you looking for?" comes a voice from behind me. I turn around and to my surprise there's a girl in front of me, but she's blue, or more like translucent. I gasp at my realization, she's a ghost. 

"I- I heard a, um, a noise, and I was wondering where who it came from.." I trailed on, backing away towards the door. I have read about ghosts but I've never met one in person. 

"Well that would be little old me, Myrtle." She smiles, and I begin to exit. 

"Well nice to meet you!"

"Don't go please! I'm so bored in here!" she yells behind me, but I dart through the hallways as my heart pounds, making my way back to the Slytherin quarters. 

I tiptoe into the common room, it's mainly empty other than Pansy studying in the corner, and she scowls at me as I walk by. What is she even studying for anyway? Its the second day of school. I slip into the dorm and as the door closes it creaks loudly, waking up a grumpy Daphne. She sits up in her bed and raises her eyebrows, "Where have you been all night?"

"Hospital," I reply, untying my boots and sliding back into bed for just a little more sleep.

"What the fuck?" she grunts, pulling her duvet over her head. 

I didn't get much sleep though, just laying in bed thinking about the night before. Did it mean anything? Was it supposed to mean anything? And what about Cedric? My worries keep me up until it's time to get ready and I head into the bathrooms for a much needed shower. 


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