
23 1 2

Normal classes continue for the next two weeks, and I spend most of my time studying and hanging out with Daphne, Amanda, and Nathan. Cedric and I are still herbology partners, and I find myself overthinking everything he says. We find ourselves sneaking out at night to kiss in the corridors, but we tend to keep our separate ways in public places.


It's friday morning, and Daphne is waking me up with her loud noises as she gets up early every morning to "beat her face". I mean, she always looks gorgeous in the end, so I guess for her getting up an hour early is worth it. I roll out of bed and pick out my clothes for the day, shuffling to the bathroom to wash my face. Once I'm ready, I head out into the dorms and pack my bag for the day, and putting on my shoes to head to breakfast with Daphne.

We continue onto each of our classes, and during lunch we go to the abandoned bathroom and listen to music on my contraband ipod.

After a few lectures I find myself walking back to the school from the greenhouse, but as I leave someone calls my name. I turn to see Cedric leaning up against the wall, and walk over to him.

"Hey," he smiles,

"Hey," I say back, looking him up and down.

"Meet me by the lake at midnight?" he asks, and I hesitate, wondering what the tall boy might have planned for me. Even with platforms on he's still much taller than I am. 

"Sure thing," I smile, and Cedric leans down, planting a kiss on my cheek before walking back to the school. I stand there for a while, taking in the information before heading to my next class.


After classes I head into the common room to find Daphne reading a book and eating some candy. I tell he what happened with Cedric and she takes a long look at me before shaking her head.

"You can't keep sneaking off with him like that," she states as she pops another lolly in her mouth, puckering at the sour flavor.

"Wait why though, he's so cute and sweet and.." I trail off and she sighs.

"Hey, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but just think about it this way.. Every night or so you sneak out to meed Ced and, what? Kiss in the hallways? or go to the lake or Quidditch patch and freeze ur nuts off so he can be sweet and give you his hoodie? open your eyes Cassie, he's using you. Besides, there's someone else that's clearly into you that you're fully ignoring for someone who's 'cute and sweet,'" she says, nodding to the blonde boy and his friends in the other corner of the room.
I sit and sigh, looking at her and thinking about the last week. She's not wrong, but she's not exactly right either.
Cedric's not just cute and sweet, he's passionate and caring and gentle. And it's new. everything's new. I still have time. Right?
After some time, I find myself alone in the bathroom far past lights out, getting ready to see Cedric. Using all the tips and tricks Daphne first told me, I successfully sneak out and disappear into the night.
When I arrive, Cedric is laying on a blanket on the beach of the lake, staring out into the water, when he hears me walking closer he looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi there, Cassie," he smiles, and I take a seat next to him, lifting a second blanket to cover my cold legs. 

"Hi there, Ced," I reply as I lay my head against his shoulder, and in response he puts his arm around me. "God, it's so beautiful out," I say, taking a deep breath in as my heart races from being so close to Cedric.

"I missed you," he says, planting a kiss on my forehead. I look into his eyes and feel a blush creep onto my cheek. Then I remember what Daphne said earlier.

"We don't always have to wait until midnight, y'know, we can, like, hangout during free periods and stuff..." I laugh, trying to break the nervous vibes I just created.

"Oh," Cedric looks back to the water, "I suppose so, I just, then people will see. And Cassie trust me I-"

"You what?" I ask, a bit of a quiver in my voice. I know this is fast and it's only been a couple days but it still disappoints me that Cedric is worried about other people. 

"I don't want people to say things about you, about us. I don't want to, I- I don't want to put a label on us quite yet..." he trails on, "I know that sounds bad but Cassie you just have to trust me on this one, I promise I'm not using you or anything I just-"

"How am I supposed to know though?" I sigh, "If you're using me or not, I don't" I laugh nervously again. 

We sit in silence for a few more minutes before I finally decide to get up and leave.

"Where are you going?" Cedric asks, looking up at me.

"Back to my room, I'm tired." I say, and with that, I hurry off back into the school.

As I sneak through the corridors, I can't help but feel guilty about what I said to Cedric. I know that it's still the beginning of the school year, and he doesn't need to put a label on us at all, but I'm more than some fling to sneak around with. I'm Cassie Octavius. I shouldn't feel guilty for holding Cedric to a bare minimum standard, and yet I do. Cedric is one of the sweetest people ever, he's a hufflepuff! I guess even hufflepuffs aren't exempt from being fuckboys. 

I enter into the dorms and Daphne is still awake, seemingly waiting for me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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