Chapter 3

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"Newt it's Paige." Chuck says. Newt hadn't left the wall since she ran in. He tried to grab her, stop her from entering certain death. But he wasn't fast enough. "She's the strongest person I know. And thats saying something considering Minho exists." Newt sighed. "After tonight, none of them will exist." He looked up at the darkening sky. "The grievers will come soon."

The sky was getting darker by the minute. We had been walking for hours, trying to carry Albys weight. "Gotta keep walking." Thomas says. "Come on this way." I say as we turn another corner. We walk down a hall and I can tell the three of us need a break. "Ok sit him down." I say, gesturing to the wall. We gently place him down and lean him against the wall. I sit next to him, panting. We turn our heads when a screech can be heard in the distance. I look at Thomas. "This isn't gonna work." Minho says. "What?" I ask, standing. "we gotta go. We gotta go!" Minho says, walking aaay from Albys body. "Woah woah woah what are you talking about? We gotta do something we gotta hide him." Thomas says. I stay silent. I can't decide weather I want to help Alby or flee. I know I'm in Thomas's side no matter what, though. "Where? Where are supposed to hide him?" Minho asks, pacing. "I don't know, Minho ok? Just think." Thomas says. I spot ivy on the wall I front of us. It looks like it goes to the top. "Hey guys?" I say softly. Minho grabs Thomas by the collar of his shirt. "Listen to me, shuck-face. Take a look around around. There's no where to go."
"Guys?" I repeat, a little louder.
"You don't get it. We're already dead." Minho says as a screech can be heard again. I roll my eyes. "You're so dramatic. Look." I say, pointing up. "And what are we supposed to do with that?" Minho asks. "Tie Alby to it, pull him up, tie him off and leave him there until morning. We run and hope we don't get eaten by the man eating monsters hiding in this maze." I say, slightly smiling. The boys look at me. "That might just work." Thomas says.

"Ugh, he's so much heavier than he was when we were carrying him!" I grunt. I pull on the vine, watching him go further up the wall. The maze rumbles, walls changing in front of us. Minho leans to the left of me, watching something. "Minho. What are you doing?" Thomas asks, straining. "What do you see?" I ask. "We gotta go." He says over and over. "No no no no we're almost there, just a little further!" Thomas says. I look Minho in the eye. He's going to leave us, I can see it. "Minho..." I whisper. "I'm sorry." He says before letting go and running. Albys weight is too much, and we slide forward. "Under here!" Thomas says. he helps me under the wall. We roll under just as metal legs walk past us. The creature snarls and growls, but walks away. "Ok." I breathe put. I quietly roll out and look around. "It's gone." I whisper. "Here!" Thomas says, tying the vine to a root. "Thomas? Hurry!" I say as I see a reflection of a griever. I push him out of the way, behind another wall. I put my finger to my lips and take slow shaky breaths. I couldn't let my fear show. If I did, I would die. And I wasn't dying today. It's footsteps retreat and Thomas peaks around the corner. "We're good." He says as he checks Albys vine. "It will hold." He says. "Let's go. We can't stay here." I tell him. We silently walk through the maze. "Ew." I say as I step in some sort of goo. Slowly, I look around, trying to find the goos source. Thomas gasps quietly. "Paige run!" He screams. I look up and see a massive monster above me, sliding down the walls. I bolt, turning random corners and ducking under closing sections. I don't look behind me, but I wish I had. I turn around and see that I'm alone. "Thomas?!" I whisper. No answer. I wander around aimlessly until I find someone. "Woah!" I hear Thomas tell. "Thomas?!" I scream, running through the maze. I see him, hanging by some Ivy, a griever around him. I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle, ear piercingly loud. The griever looks at me and slides down the wall, charging for me. I turn and run, fast. "Paige!" I hear Thomas. I turn corners and bolt, sliding to stop myself from hitting walls. I turn around and see the monster right behind me, mouth open. All of a sudden, someone grabs my am and wrenched on it. Minho. "Let's go!" He yells. We run, swinging a corner and meeting up with Thomas. "Crazy son of a bitch." Minho says. "Come on follow me!" We run after Minho, into a closing section. "This sections closing! Come on we can loose it in here!" As we run down the narrow hall, a crazy, really stupid idea pops into my head. I stop and turn, waiting for the creature to see me. "Paige! What are you doing?" The monster turns the corner, sees me and runs for me. As it gets closer I sprint, running faster than ever to get out of the closing section. "Paige run!" Minho screams. "Hurry don't look back!" Thomas yells. "Paige!" They yell. The section closed in around me, the space was getting tighter. "Ahhh!" I scream

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