Chapter 4

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"Guys!" Chuck runs to us when we exit the maze. "Gally found out you left. He called a council meeting." I sigh. If Gally knows, that means Newt knows too. We run to council hall, and it's obvious Minho is mad.

"Oh! You guys enjoy your little field trip?" Gally asks as we storm into council hall. "What the hell Gally?! You think you can call a council meeting without us?" Minho protests. New looks at me, half like he's happy I'm here, the other half like he's disappointed. "Really?" He asks. "If o told you, you wouldn't have let me leave." I said sadly. "Yeah! I wouldn't have let any of you leave because-" I cut him off. "Which is exactly why I didn't tell you." He sighs. "That doesn't matter now. We found this." Thomas says, handing Newt the device. "It was inside the griever Paige killed. Newt examines the device, tracing the letters painted on it. "These are the same letters we get in our supplies." Newt says. "Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the grievers. And this is the first real clue, the first anything you've had in three years. Right Minho?" Thomas asks. Minho nods. "Right." He confirms. "Newt, we gotta go back out there." I say softly. If there was a way out, it could be out there. And we had to find it. "Who knows where this might lead us?" Newt pauses, then looks at Gally. "You see what their trying to do right?" Gally says. I scoff. "Why are trying to do, Gally?" I ask, fed up with his asshole attitude. "First you nreak our rules, now you want us to abandon them totally?" He steps closer to me, but I stand tall. "The tiles are the only thing that have held us together for the last three years, and you princess aren't changing that." He says, tapping my chest. Newt grabs his shoulder and wrenches back. "Don't touch her." He says sternly. "If Alby was here you know he'd agree with me." Gally says. "These chunks need to be punished." Newt lets go if his shoulder and sighs. He had a the device back to Minho. "You're right. They broke the rules." He gives me a look of pity before going on. "1 night in the pit and no food." He says hesitantly. Of course, Gally protests. "Oh come in, Newt! One night in the pit? You think that's gonna stop them from going back into the maze?" Newt leans against the pole. "No. And we can't have non runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it. So let's just make this official. Starting tomorrow you're a runner." He says looking at Thomas. He looks at me. "You too." I smile, but shake it off my face. Gally looks shocked. "Wow." He says. "Gally." Fry tries to stop him, but Gally pushes past him and storms out. Thomas looks at Newt. "Thanks, Newt." He nods and looks at me. "Your a Runner." He says. I nod. "I can do it. And in case you haven't noticed, I can take care of myself." I say. He nods and I walk out.

We walk through the woods, going deeper and deeper, following Minho. "Hey where are we going?" Thomas asks. "You'll see." Minho simply says. We walk a little further and reach some sort of hut. It's made of mostly bamboo sticks and twigs. We walk in and all that's there is a table with something on it, however that something is covered with a blanket. There's pieces of wood hung in the walls of drawings of the maze. "Where are we?" I ask. I here a woosh begins me and I turn my head, seeing the maze. Well, a mini version. Minho leans in the table and sighs. "It's the maze." He says. "All of it." I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean all of it? I thought you were still mapping it?" Minho shrugs. "There's nothing left to map. I close my eyes. This can't be true. We can't be stuck here forever. "I've run every inch of it myself. Every pattern. Every cycle. If there was a way out we would ah e found it by now." He tells us. "Why haven't you told anyone this?" Thomas inquires. "It was Albys call. People needed to believe we had a chance at getting out." Minho says, walking around the table to meet us. He pulls the device from his backpack. "But maybe now we have a real chance." Thomas takes the device and looks it over. "Take a look at this." Minho says, pointing at the table. "About a year ago, we started exploring these outer sections. All right we found these number printed on the walls. Sections one through eight." Around the maze was eight rocks with different number in them. "See the way it works is every night, when the maze changes, it opens a new section. So today; section six was open. Tomorrow it will be four, then eight, then three. The pattern always stays the same." He explains. "What's so special about seven?" I ask, taking the device from Thomas. "I don't know. But last night when you killed that greiver, section seven was open. I think it might be where it came from." Minho tells us. "And tomorrow the three of us are gonna take a closer look." He says. I smile. If I'm being honest, the maze fascinates me. The whole spider-slug monsters living in it aren't all that fun, but it's interesting. We hear footsteps running to the the hut. Around the corner come Heff and Clint, the two med jacks. "Hey! What are you guys doing you're not allowed in here." Minho says sternly. "I know but it's uh..." Jeff begins. "It's the girl." City says. I look at Thomas. "What is she awake?" He asks hastily. Jeff and Clint look at each other. "You could say that." Jeff pants.

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