My first date (Part 1)

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In a crowded area, Emma arrives to the arranged date spot wearing a dress she borrowed from Nura. She fidgets nervously, self-conscious about her unusually feminine style. Before she can rush into the bathroom to check her appearance, however, Elios arrives and apologizes for being late. Blushing, Emma assures him that she arrived early. As they set off together, Emma muses to herself how well she can read Elios. After spending so much time together, she caught on to small habits of his, such as holding his neck when he is happy. She is brought out of her reverie when a stranger accidentally knocks her to the ground. As Elios bends down to help her up, Emma has a sudden vision of a young boy offering to help her childhood self. Confused, she brushes it off as deja vu and decides to hold hands with Elios.

Emma and Elios on their first date. The two enjoy a day filled with fun activities. As they leave a movie theater, Elios mentions that he did not expect the plot twist at the end of the movie. As Emma tries to search for another activity to do, Elios suggests to head over to the lake. As they look out at the water, Elios admits that because his hometown was surrounded by the sea, being near the lake soothes him. Surprised by this, Emma realizes that though she does not know many details about his life, there is a feeling of familiarity when she is with him. As they continue watching the water in silence, Elios spots a canoe and proposes to go try it.

Emma shivers with fear as they climb into a rented rowboat, worried because she does not know how to swim. Elios advises her to close her eyes, which she complies. Once she opens them, she sees that Elios rowed them out into the middle of the lake. Elios mentions how it is the perfect place for confessions because no one can escape. As Emma laughs nervously at the comment, Elios asks how much she truly loves him.

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