My Suspicions (Part II)

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On the way to class, Emma casually asks Nura about Yohan. Nura replies that because Yohan is extremely popular at their university, she only knows him by reputation. She explains that he is friendly and always the center of attention, but is mostly known for his intelligence in solving cases. Coincidentally, Yohan walks by and spots Emma. He cheerfully calls out to her and waves. Emma quickly looks away, avoiding his gaze. Noticing her odd behavior, Nura becomes suspicious and interrogates Emma. Unwilling to share her thoughts, Emma evades Nura's questions. As they enter the classroom, Emma begins to feel guilty for ignoring Yohan, knowing he has done nothing to deserve such cold treatment. She recalls that when Elios requested her to stay away from Yohan, he had his hands in his pockets. Knowing it is Elios's telltale sign for lying, she concludes that he is jealous and decides to respect his wishes.

Mika ignores Nura. Near the end of class, the lecturer announces that the final assignment is a group project. As the students loudly protest, he instructs them to form groups of six. Worried that she will end up doing all the work, Emma slumps over her desk in despair. Nura reassures her that they will choose responsible partners and glances around for potential candidates. She spots Mika sitting by herself and politely invites her to join their group. Mika surveys the two of them for a moment before turning away without a response. As Emma holds back a fuming Nura, Sophie McCarthy approaches them and asks to join their group. As Nura brightly welcomes Sophie, Lucas and Jamie ask to join as well. Eventually, the group is formed.

After class, Emma and her group stay behind to create a group chat, making plans to meet later. As they disperse, Emma invites Sophie to lunch before their next class starts.

Emma and Sophie have lunch together. They head to the cafeteria and sit down with their food. Sophie apologizes for not contributing to the group discussion earlier, confessing to be shy and extremely nervous around boys. She points out how pretty Emma is and berates herself for being ugly. Emma gently reassures her that she is just as pretty and should have more self-confidence.

At the police precinct, Detective Kayla informs Chief of Police Yojoong Lee that his nephew has arrived and is waiting in the office. After quickly finishing up his work, Yojoong enters his office to find Yohan whiling away playing with Rubik's cubes. Apologizing for the long wait, Yojoong sits down at his desk and pulls out Rupert Patrovsky's case file. As he opens the folder, he asks for Yohan's thoughts on the case.

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