1. another beginning

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Name: Nakajima AtsushiAge: 19Status: University Year One, studying CriminologyMarital status: Taken (by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke)

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Name: Nakajima Atsushi
Age: 19
Status: University Year One, studying Criminology
Marital status: Taken (by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke)

Name: Akutagawa RyūnosukeAge: 21Status: University Year Three, studying CriminologyMarital status: Taken (by Nakajima Atsushi)

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Name: Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Age: 21
Status: University Year Three, studying Criminology
Marital status: Taken (by Nakajima Atsushi)


Do you believe in fate? Well, I didn't until I met the most handsome, intelligent, stoic, sexy man I'd ever met. His name was Akutagawa Ryūnosuke. He was the man of my dreams - literally. I literally had a dream of him the night of the day we met.

I first saw him on the first day of starting High School. I was a first year, fresh blood and just out of my closet. I hadn't even known his name. I first laid my eyes on him, sitting up on the infirmary bed, bending over and coughing. While playing with some stray cats at the back of the school, one of them got defensive and scratched my hand and face. I was supposed to disinfect it and get a band-aid to cover it up somewhere... and then I saw his majestic stature, pale skin and pitch black eyes. My nose started bleeding and it even dripped onto the white, tiled floor before he looked at me and chided me for dirtying the floor. Even then, I could only blush and rub the back of my head sheepishly.

"What are you doing?! Acting all shy?! Disgusting," he spat.

He glared at me and I drowned deeper in the darkness of his orbs. His voice was so sexy... and deep... and sexy...

I blushed even harder and he looked even more confused than he already was. He decided to back off.

"I love you, you're so hot," I said out loud without knowing.

"Excuse me, what?" he asked, eyes blown wide and seemingly non-existent eyebrows etched together.

Nothing!! I screamed in my head.

"You're so sexy," I repeated subconsciously, suddenly unable to control what I was saying.

WHY would you say that, you idiot!

I slapped myself. I looked like a madman.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted and rushed to leave the infirmary, never really getting that band-aid that I needed.

In that rush, what I didn't know was that I had left such a big impression on Akutagawa Ryūnosuke (one where I was a pain in the ass and an idiot) that he recognised me when we had a joint PE lesson with the Third Years.

After that, we established our relationship - that of an annoying junior so hopelessly in love with a stoic and loveless third year senior.

It wasn't hard to tell, I was always trailing after him like a lost puppy and greeting him the loudest and proclaiming my love for him whenever I saw him, even if he was in class.

His classroom was on the first level and luckily for me, us First Years always had regular outdoor lessons for an increased hands-on experience. Anyone could catch me waving through the window, desperately trying to get his attention while his teachers desperately shooed me away. Yet, he was always so fixated on his lessons, giving his fullest attention to the teacher while everyone was distracted by me.

I never gave up though and after a whole year of trying to get his attention, I finally got it. I confessed again, formally, on the day of his graduation. Well, as formal as shouting across an entire field of people in the courtyard of our school could be, anyways. After screaming my love for him, I ran across the field of people and gave him an unwanted peck on the cheek on my tippy-toes, stunning him even more.

After the confession, almost confident that he would reject me immediately, I ran away, to the back of the school where I had first met the stray kittens. Tears streamed down my face slowly as the cat who had once scratched me in a frenzy of panic rubbed itself around my legs, almost to sooth my heartache. I left the school after making sure that the cats had properly eaten and were tucked into the cardboard box I gave them.

I felt so lifeless, listless and dejected - something I hadn't felt in a while, since I got kicked out of the orphanage. I laid awake on my bed, in my guardian's house, unable to fall asleep. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my phone beep awake, signifying that someone had texted me. It was midnight and it happened to be an unknown number.

"Look outside", the message read.

I naively peered outside my window, completely unaware of the danger it could have been in if it weren't Akutagawa-senpai. My eyes widened and I rushed to open my window.

"Akutagawa-senpai?!" I whisper-shouted, pleasantly surprised.

"You didn't give me a chance to answer, dimwit," he scolded, looking straight into my eyes.

"What?" I was genuinely confused.

Akutagawa-senpai sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked so sexy doing that...

"I'm saying 'yes'. Let's go out," he breathed out.

I thought I misheard but when he stretched out his arms for me to take, I jumped out of my bedroom window on the second floor without hesitation and landed in his arms with him tackled on the floor.

Akutagawa-senpai smacked my head, reprimanding me about how I could have almost killed him and myself. I grinned happily, rubbing myself on his chest, borderline purring. He relaxed his hand and entangled them in my hair, combing and soothing it through and through. I almost fell asleep there and then, feeling so comfortable in the arms of my new boyfriend. I giggled shyly at the thought.

"Thank you, Akutagawa-senpai!" I beamed appreciatively.

He mumbled something under his breath but I didn't quite catch it.

"What was that?" I asked, leaning in to make sure he wouldn't have to repeat himself again.

He sighed before inhaling deeply and breathing out, "call me Ryū."

My eyes widened at that. I was speechless, undoubtedly overjoyed, on cloud nine, ecstatic, worried that Akutag- Ryū was drunk or sick.

I couldn't find the right words to say and hugged him as tightly as possible, whispering 'thank you's in his ear, over and over again, till he pushed me off, embarrassed and blushing. At the sight, I beamed and pecked him lightly on the cheek.

That was three years ago and we're still going strong. We're both in the same University, studying the same thing but still in different years but still ingrained in me is my undying love for him.

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