drunk erwin x reader

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Erwins POV~

well here I am, drinking alone in my office.

The last few days have been stressful.

Al the missions outside the walls have been going completely wrong.

And I feel like everyone is losing hope in me.

The only person that has been by my side sins the beginning is [Y/N].

Thery always by my side and making sure I'm okay.

But I think they're also starting to lose hope.

I sigh as I take another sip from my cup.

I look down at it to see it empty.

I reach my hand over my desk to grab the bottle of alcohol.

I fill my glass and start drinking again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

By this time I'm completely drunk.

But I keep drinking....

That is until i heard a knock on my door.....

No ones POV~

I knocked on Erwins office door waiting for a answer.

He hasn't been himself for the last couple of days so I was just checking up on him.

"Come *hic* in~"

I heard from the other side of the door.

Opening it I turn around to close the door.

I look into the room only to see a drunk Erwin sitting at his desk.

Knowing erwin he never drank.

At least not that I know of.

Letting out a sigh I walk up to him taking the bottle out of his hand.

"I think that's enough for today"

You said setting the bottle some place else, throwing away the empty bottles in the garbage.

You were just about to turn around to face Erwin, only to be pushed against the wall, your back facing it.

Looking up you see a drunk Erwin staring down at you, a light blush on his face from the alcohol.

Erwin grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him making you blush.

He leaned down your noses almost touching.

" [Y/N]... can I ask you something?"

Erwin said sounding serious.

You just nodded your head.

"Do you..... trust me?"

He said in a sad voice.

When he asked this you immediately knew what he was talking about.

Remembering the missions that had gone wrong over the past couple of days.

"Erwin of course I trust you, if i didn't i wouldn't be here still by your side"

You said in a soft voice.

Erwin looked at you, a bright smile on his face making you smile.

His smile then slowly faded away making you confused.

He then started to lean in making you lean back until your head was against the wall.

You then felt a pair of lips on yours.

They were Erwins lips.

You melted into the kiss immediately kissing back wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer.

You could still taste the alcohol on his lips but you didn't care.

The kiss was long and passionate.

The both of you then pulled away a string of saliva connecting the two of you.

You smiled at him making him smile as well.

You then gestured Erwin to go to his room.

After that you told him to get dressed out of his uniform and into his pyjamas while you got him a glass of water to sober up.

" [Y/N], will you sleep with me please?"

Erwin asked in a sweet voice.

You obviously said yes.

You got into the bed with him, him wrapping his arms around your waist tightly while you did the same.

The both of you then drifted of slowly into sleep....

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