Get to know me from a personal side

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Okay, now that you have gotten to know me from the writer's side it's time for you all to know me from the other end of things which is the personal side of me. So here we go.

First Name: Rosemary (But my Preferred name is Rosie)

Middle Name: Joan

Last Name: Johnson

My Birthday: My birthday is on the Winter Solstice (21st December)

My Age: I am currently 17, but 18 in December

My Year Group: I am year 13 (end of further education). I, unfortunately, don't know what this translates into in other countries.

My Nationality: I am from Britain so that makes me a British citizen.

My Zodiac Sign: I am between being a Capricorn and a Sagittarius as my birthday falls on the last day of Sagittarius and the first day of Capricorn.

Countries I have out of the UK: Iceland and America.

Countries I would like to see: China, Japan, Australia, Italy and Germany.

Favourite Cusine (apart from British food): I like Indian, Chinese and Italian#

Spoken Languages: I speak British English (although I do accidentally say American terms now and then) and I am currently learning to speak fluently in German.

Favourite Food: I'd say Pizza.

Favourite Colour: I don't have a specific one, but ultimately it is baby pink.

Favourite Movie: I am a Harry Potter and Star Wars movie lover. My favourite characters from both movies are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa(Skywalker), Anakin Skywalker, Chewbacca, Yoda, Darth Vader, Rey Palpatine(Skywalker), Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke and Ben Solo.

Favourite TV Show: I am a Supernatural girl. My favourite characters from this series are Sam and Dean Winchester, Castiel and Gabriel.

What I am currently Watching: Supernatural on Amazon Prime Video and I am also watching the Mandalorian on Disney Plus.

What I would like to watch: Tall Girl on Netflix and NCIS on Amazon Prime Video.

Sports I have done in the past: Swimming and Gymnastics (Recreational)

Sports I still do: ITF Tae Kwon Do

My Belt level in Tae Kwon Do: 1st Gup (Red, Black Stripe)

Where I'd like to be in 4 years: Either finishing my BA (Hons) in Education or BA (Hons) in Primary Education later years (5-11)

Where I'd like to be in 5 years: Be either finishing my PGCE in Primary Education or my first year in teaching.

My life goal: Help children fulfil their dreams within their lives.

My GOLDEN rule: Don't fear but fear itself otherwise you will constantly worry for the rest of your life.

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