My Top Tips to produce an Amazing story on Both Wattpad and Episode.

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So now that you know me as a writer, let me tell you my tips for creating an amazing story on both Wattpad and Episode.

1) Create a unique storyline.
Don't be the person who copies someone else's storyline because the truth is that the original author of the story could stumble across your story and flag it to say that you have copied it. Make up your storyline that you feel proud of because you made it and that your idea doesn't have the same plotline as anyone else's story.

2) Get inspired.
Watching videos, reading books or things that you see can help you get inspired to drive the plot of your story and helps you when you come to physically write the story.

3) Plan your story out in full detail before actually writing the story.
This is something that I can't empathize enough as I have been there time and time again, you might want to hear me out on this. As an author, it is very intriguing to start writing your story but as somebody who has consistently fallen for the trap every time, it is much easier to plan your Episode or Wattpad story before physically writing it out.
Go into a messy phase before starting to narrow it down to character names, when the story is set, plot, how many chapters there will be, the genre of the story, age range as well as the twists within the body of the story. And for those of you who are doing episode stories, think about your choices, outfits and gem choices as well as character customization and the point system if you are using it! It'll also prevent you from having writer's block as you will know exactly where your story is heading.

4) Get writing.
As soon as you have finished the chapter by chapter rundown, then jump into the portal that you desire and start to write your story out (If you are on episode, remember to animate the characters and animate every line of dialogue). To start with, write the initial chapters eg. Chapters 1-5 to start off with.

5) Proofread and test your story constantly for errors.
So you have your story plot all planned out by chapter by chapter. You have written your initial chapters on your desired writing portal. And now you are ready to publish. Wait what? No, you are not that ready my friend. No, you must now undergo and proofread your story over and over to make sure that the story relates to the plot that we planned in stage 3 and make sense. Make yourself read the story for the first time as if you were the reader because I am sure that you will find a mistake in there somewhere. If you are releasing your story on Episode, then testing your story becomes even more important as more mistakes can be made easily because of coding error with either the point system or the software remembering your choice or even simple directions that were making the script. If in doubt, get a friend or a relative to play and test your story and/or proofread it to make sure it makes sense.

6) Publish the initial chapters on your desired platform.
After you or someone else has tested the story and you are now comfortable with it, the next thing that you can do is to upload your story to your desired platform. If you are a Wattpad writer, unfortunately, you must publish every chapter individually instead of one big batch after you finish every chapter. You can do this by pressing the publish button at the top of the screen of every chapter. Episode users can upload their story by going back to the start page of the story and press the publish button to upload the 5 chapters.

7) Share the news about your first story.
After you have published the story, why don't you share it so that someone else can read? You can do it on your personal social media or you could do it on your social media platform dedicated to you writing whatever you do, please make sure that you use the necessary hashtags to get people to read your story and to make it even easier for people to find, use the story link to put it in your bio so people can go directly to the story.

8) Get your story reviewed.
Whilst you write your next load of chapters, you could also get your current chapters looked at by a reviewer as there are loads of them in the community. They will give you honest and constructive feedback to your story to help you improve to that little bit more and for you to add to your story. So please, use the feedback to make the story the best it possibly can be.

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