Ch 1 Seeing each other for the first time.

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Melinoe POV

"Howdy, name's Melinoe, Goddess of Nightmares and Ghosts. And you're probably wondering how I got here? Well this is an experiment created by my uncle Zeus. Basically, I am to live the life of a mortal to understand them better. Unfortunately, I am a slave. Guess Zeus didn't think that part through. For a King, he could be a moron at times." I murmur to myself as the chains around my wrists itch and burn. Then again I was prone to escaping constantly, can people blame me?  Anywho, getting dragged to the brothel was not what I had in mind for employment. 'Μισώ αυτό. (I hate this).' I think with a small frown. Slavery was not what I wanted when I consented to be considered mortal. Getting shoved into the brothel, I feel people push and pull me into an outfit befitting a dancer.

Bakura POV

I was busy skirting around the City of the Pharaoh, debating on whether or not to stay around. Passing by the brothel, I see a woman performing that I did not remember seeing there previously. She was definitely shorter than me by a few inches, and looked like a rabbit in a pack of wolves. Her hair was as dark as ink yet seemed to bounce in slight waves, almost hypnotically. Her eyes reminded me of glass, the light seemed to refract and pull me in before I push it away. The white fabric of the dancer's costume seemed to bring out the light golden tone of her skin.

Seeing a few people haggle her, I have my men take care of the issue at hand. With a little smirk, I watch her dance. "Gonna enjoy seeing you around, little Gem." I murmur softly before leaving.

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