Truth or Dare

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Fred, George, Bella/Christine, Yugi/Atem, Ron, Harry, Bakura and Mel were chilling out in the Room of Requirement, a space for all Houses to mingle in. Melinoe had suggested a sort of sleepover to help with team bonding, and surprisingly they all agreed. 

With everyone in their pajamas, the Twins had a wicked idea. "Hey guys, how about we play a game of Truth or Dare?" They ask at the same time. Both Christine and Atem looked at their reincarnations in confusion. "What is this game?" Both spirits ask with intrigued tones.

"It's a game where you ask someone truth or dare. If they pick truth, then they must answer a question. If it's dare, then they have to do the dare. Given how many of us are there it's probably gonna go: Fred-> George-> Bella/Christine-> Yugi/Atem-> Ron-> Harry-> Bakura, and then me." Mel explained with a shrug of her shoulders.

Fred nodded before pulling out an empty bottle. "We'll be spinning this to assist in choosing." He says before spinning the bottle and it landing on Bella. "Okay Bella truth or dare?" He asks as Bella taps his chin. "I choose truth Fred."

"Okay Bella is it true that you and Mel have been friends for a while?"

"Yes, Mel and I have been friends for a good while. Granted that may be because of Christine." She answers before spinning the bottle and it landing on Melinoe. "Mel, Truth or Dare."

Melinoe smirks. "I choose dare Bella." She says with a lot of confidence, already thinking of a wicked idea.

"I dare you to perform one song of your choice, and do it in full." Bella answers, not knowing what song Melinoe would do.

Melinoe conjured up a small stage and stepped up as R&B music starts to play. Focusing, she starts to perform Get up and Move by Koda Kumi(the video above). Everyone had their own thoughts on the show.

Christine and Atem weren't all that surprised considering that they remembered Melinoe performing during festivals.  The Twins, Harry and Ron were slack-jawed in shock. Yugi was blushing, understanding the Japanese and not feeling like translating. Bella was impressed, having never seen this side of Melinoe. Bakura was proud of her, and was really attracted to it. 

When the song finished, Melinoe was flushed and panting. With a bow, she hops off the stage, and walks back to her spot. Everyone was staring at her. "Guys? Y'all okay?" She asks, tapping her cheek.

The Twins were the first to speak. "Where did you learn to dance like that?" Mel flushed bright red and looked flustered. "I used to work in a brothel. Bakura is aware of that. He's the one who got me out of that after all." She answers before looking at Bakura with a loving smile. Bakura flushed a little at that soft smile.

Yugi blinks before shifting into Atem. "It's true. She always loved to dance while at the palace. What memories I have of her were good ones. Christine deemed her a sister of sorts." He says before giving Melinoe a smile. "Glad to have you back Mel." He adds before going back to the puzzle.

Ron asked next. "What about the Japanese?"

"I'm known for picking up most languages." She answers calmly before looking at Ron. "Truth or Dare Ron?"

" Truth" He said calmly.

"Did you ever have feelings for Granger?"

"Yes, but now I like someone else." He says before spinning at Harry. "Truth or dare Harry?"

"Truth Ron."

"Is it true that you're crushing on Ginny?"

Harry blushes. "Yep." He says before spinning the bottle. It landed on the Twins. "Truth or Dare?"

"We choose Dare," Fred says alongside George. 

"Guys I dare you to give Melinoe one of your special candies." Harry says with a chuckle.

Fred and George both stare at each other before giving Melinoe what looked like a bottle candy. Melinoe looked confused before poofing into a toddler version of herself. She starts crying a little in fear/shock.

Bakura stared before picking up Toddler Melinoe. "Hey Little Gem. It's okay. Kura's got you." He says before nuzzling her.

The twins paled and stared. "Okay, I thought he'd kill us." They muttered before spinning at Yugi. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth...after that I do't want to do dares."

"Is it true you have a crush?" They ask smugly.

Poor Yugi went red. "Yes." He says before sighing and looking at small Melinoe. "How long will those candies last?" He asks in concern for the young goddess.

"They last about 24 hours normally but since she's not human, it'd be about 12 hours." They say before looking at Melinoe. Said goddess was trying to say something.  "Kura is teddy bear," she said in the cutest voice possible.

Poor Bakura turned red at that. "Yep, I'm your teddy bear. If any of you hurt her while she's vulnerable like this, I'll send your souls to the Shadow realm."

Bella snickered. "Protective...good dad material."

The twins nodded before pulling out sleeping bags. "Everyone gets a bag, beside Mel. Mel's sleeping with Bakura because we have a feeling he'll start hissing if we try to touch her in anyway."

With that, everyone got into their respective bags and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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