Ch 2 Becoming friends

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Melinoe POV

Friendship...what an odd concept. That was especially true for a goddess.  It had been a few weeks since I had gotten stuffed into the brothel. I didn't quite enjoy it at all. Men leering at you and wanting to touch you. 

At least  it was my break time at this point, so I decided to head out to the town to see whom or what I'd fine. Seeing a patch of white hair in the distance,  I follow it out of curiosity. After all pure white hair and tan skin were not all that common both here and back home.  

Bakura POV 

I was walking around the town, just minding my own business when I see a bit of dark brown curls out of the corner of my eye. Pausing, I start to follow her. Once she was in arm's reach of me, I turn around and pick her up. Carrying her to an alley way, I pin her against the wall. "So what's this Little Gem doing out of her treasure chest?" I ask, before noticing seemingly captivating hazel eyes. The color reminded me of stained glass, shiny and hypnotic.  

"I'm on break. The brothel let me leave for a little bit, so I wanted to take a look around the town I'm stuck in at the moment." She responds with a faint blush on her cheeks.  Guess pinning her against the wall was a good idea after all. Also that faint blush made her cheeks glow softly.

"That's good. However, I suppose that means that I should keep an eye on you in case anyone else tries to steal you away. Oh and the name's Bakura by the way" I tease before letting her go and wrapping a hand around her arm.

Melinoe POV

'This man is incredibly bold. Oh his name's Bakura. Guess I'll keep that in mind in case he ever heads to the underworld.' I think before blinking. "My name is Melinoe. It's a pleasure to officially meet you, I guess," I mutter as he starts to drag me around the town.

(Time Skip a couple of hours)

It had been a couple of hours since we had introduced ourselves. Remembering the time, I start to panic. "Bakura, I need to get back to the brothel. The Master'll hurt me if I'm not back soon." I say quickly, shaking in fear. The Master was not a very nice man. Not at all. Seeing his eyes widen I wince. But smile when he nods. 

"Of course  Melinoe. I don't want anyone to cause you harm in anyway. Especially if it's for being late for work." He muttered, his eyes narrowing a little in disgust. Feeling him move his hand to my waist, he starts to push me towards the brothel.

Seeing the familiar entrance and smelling the incense, my eyes twinkle. "Thank you Bakura for bringing me back. I hope I can see you again soon," I murmur before stepping inside to go back to serving drinks and entertaining.

Bakura POV

I watch her leave and notice how she moved reluctantly. 'She'd do better in the palace. As much as Atem, Christine and I don't get along, I can try to pull a few strings to get her out. Maybe I'll steal her away and leave her to fend for herself. Or plop her in front of the palace,' I think as I slink back into the shadows. "Yep I'm gonna get her out of that brothel. I know of her Master. He's a very cruel man. He'll probably whip her." I mutter heading back to my base.


Nightwalker A Melinoe x Bakura ficWhere stories live. Discover now