Chapter 9

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Hermione thus found herself having to listen to the whole description of the most important places in Hogwarts, going back and forth and up and down the whole castle: he showed her where the main classrooms were located, then where was the prefects' bathroom, explaining that only they could enter and that no one else was allowed; he took her up to the astronomy tower to show her the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest and the Quidditch field; they also passed in front of Myrtle's bathroom

"Never go in here" he told her "Unless you want to meet the ghost of Moaning Myrtle, who in reality would be the girl Celestina told you about this morning; she is a little restless as a girl I was told"

And he continued on his "tour" for quite a while.

"It's not that I mind listening to him" she thought.

'Also because he has a beautiful voice' said the little voice in her mind 'But Tom's is sexier'

She rolled her eyes.

"But I know Hogwarts like the back of my hand and my feet are starting to hurt" she kept thinking wearily.

They then found themselves under a porch when he stopped and said to her:

"What do you say if we take a few minutes' break?"

Hermione didn't answer, she just threw herself on the first available bench and gave a loud sigh of relief.

He laughed heartily at that scene and sat down next to her.

"You could have told me you were tired" he said, smiling amused.

"I didn't mean to be rude" she replied with a grunt.

A few minutes passed, in which the two caught their breath, then he said:

"It's almost lunch time, would you like if we go for a bite to eat and then go back to the common room to rest?"

"Fine to me" she said, rising slowly and taking the hand offered her again by Harfang.

And as they headed for the great hall, they ran into Tom Riddle.

"Good evening" he said "Sorry if I interrupt but I need to talk to Hermione, do you mind if I steal her from you for a moment?" he continued, staring Harfang harshly.

"Yes, I'm sorry" he replied coldly "We were just going to lunch, you can talk to her another time"

"Hermione?" Tom asked her, however, staring at his companion with the same murderous look he had had in the morning.

Hermione found herself then and there baffled, but then decided to try to avoid a fight between the two by rolling her eyes saying:

"Okay, make it quick though"

Harfang turned to her with his mouth wide open and incredulous he whispered:

"Are you sure? I don't like the idea of ​​leaving you alone with him, who knows what plan he have in mind"

"Don't worry, I can manage quite well; you go to the great hall that I will join you after"

and with this Harfang walked away with a still uncertain look, while Tom smiled victoriously and then took her by the arm and dragged her who knows where.

"Weren't we supposed to talk? Where are we going now?" she asked impatiently.

"Not here" he answered, and that was the last thing he said.

In silence he dragged her up the stairs to the seventh floor, when he stopped in front of an empty wall, on which soon were gradually forming a door.

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