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The day before Asta and Yuno left for their magic knights exam...

    Asta was in his usual training spot, inside the head of the demon the first wizard king defeated. He was doing hundreds of pull-ups, crunches, sit-ups, and practicing with his sword. It was a normal day until *sneeze*


    Asta stopped swinging his sword in confusement and went where he heard the sound. To Asta's surprise it was a beautiful girl. She had long light pink hair, a frail looking body, and fair skin, and she was wearing a simple white dress. To Asta, she looked like an angel...

Asta-Ummm... Excuse me?

    Asta bent down and poked her in the shoulder, she leaned a little. Asta leaned closer and heard her cute little snores. I think she's asleep Asta thought. Asta picked her up bridal style carefully trying not to wake her up.

    He carried her carefully until he was in view of the church kids and sister Lily. The kids crowded him as he went towards them staring at the beautiful angel that Asta carried. Sister Lily seeing the scene more clearly hurriedly opened the church doors signaling Asta and the kids to go inside. They placed the beautiful angel on their bed and as they left the room all the questions started flooding in.

Sister Lily- Asta do you know her?

Nash- Did you kidnap her?

Kids-How could you!!??

Asta- W-what-t!!!! NO I DID NOT KIDNAP HER!! I just happen to find her napping on my training grounds.

Sister Lily- What do you think caused her to be so exhausted?

    Before Asta could answer Yuno opened the door and entered the noisy room. Yuno stood looking confused as to why everyone was here and why Asta was back early. Yuno walked closer to them.

Yuno-what's happening?

Nash-Asta kidnapped an Angel...

Asta-W-what no I didn't!

    Sister Lily and all the other kids giggled and teased Asta.

Yuno- what?

Sister Lily- Asta found her sleeping and picked her up and just came back, by the looks of it she was really exhausted.

    Yuno looks at Asta with a nonchalant expression..... And scooched away a little bit with a disgusted face.

Asta- I really didn't kidnap her ok! Here go in our room go in our room!

    Yuno peaked inside the room and saw what looked like an angel. Everyone wanted to look at her again, so they all crowded until BAMMM!! Everyone fell on the floor and on top of each other.

Sister Lily- careful, you might wake her up!

    Lily tried to tell them to be quiet but none listed.

Yuno- Too late, look (he pointed at her)

    The beautiful girl awoke from her long nap rubbing her eyes and stretching and yawned. When she finally opened her eyes more clearly she saw that she was in a home and looked at the people in front of her...

????-Sorry, who are you? And where am I, last time I checked I was in the woods?

    Everyone got up and gathered around her.

Asta- See...What did I tell ya? (he says with a smug face)

    The girl tilted her head confused.

Sister Lily- He found you exhausted and brought you here to rest properly( she said holding the girls hands) . I'm Lily Aquaria but you just call me sister Lily.

Yuno- Im Yuno and this meatball is Asta.

Asta- Hey i'm not a meatball!!(introduces all the other kids)

????-(giggles) It's so nice to meet you all and thanks, I really needed the rest. You see, I have been traveling to enter the magic knights exam.

    Yuno and Asta were suddenly more interested in her a lot more.

Asta- Woah that's so cool, so are me and Yuno!( his eyes are sparkling) We were gonna leave tommorow, you should stay for tonight and come with us tomorrow!

????-(eyes are sparkling) Really?! Can I?!!

Sister Lily- Yes, don't worry.

Yuno- it's almost dinner time anyways you might as well stay the night.(blushes just a tiny bit)

????-Thank you so much!!( hugs Sister Lily then all the kids) Oh wait( releases them from her hug) I haven't told you my name. Well, my name is Yume Hoshi, but you guys can call me Yoru.

Time skip( after they had dinner and slept)
-Next chapter they will be at the magic knights exam

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