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Yoru's POV

     I just finished changing into my dress and hold my grimoire getting ready to put it in my holder around my waist.

     I just finished changing into my dress and hold my grimoire getting ready to put it in my holder around my waist

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I drew this one cause I couldn't find one with the outfit in color I liked.

    I open the doors to where everyone was waiting for me.

3rd POV

Yoru opens the doors to see Yuno and Asta and the kids+sister Lily already there waiting for her. As she got out all eyes turned to her. As if everything were in slow motion everyone admired her beauty.

Asta's mind- she's so beauti-NO I GOTTA STAY FAITHFUL TO SISTER LILY!!

Yuno's mind- Shes showing to much skin (blushes lightly)

Sister Lily's mind- Is she gonna fight people with a skirt? What happens if she has to go midair?( worries about her)

When Yoru reached them she stood in between Asta and Yuno infront of everyone else.

Yoru-I know it's only been a day since we just met but it feels like forever! I promise to visit you guys when I get the chance. (she smiles and closes her eyes)

    All the kids nodded sadly and hugged her tightly she hugged them back as tightly as they did almost tearing up.

Sister Lily- Yoru I'm only saying this cause im worried but... are you sure you should wear a skirt? What happens if you jump or fall and your ski-( she gets cut off)

Yoru- Don't worry I thought about it and I am wearing black shorts underneath. (she replied reassuringly) Besides... my mom always told me that if it's a special occasion I should always dress nicely no matter what the occasion.... those were the last words I ever heard from her ever agin... (she mumbled the last part but it was audible enough to hear )

Sister Lily- Oh i'm so sorry...

Yoru-it's ok, I trust all of you with this information anyways.

Yuno- Well we better get going now. ( he said trying to change the subject from a clearly sensitive matter)

Asta-Yeah, let's go Yoru

Finally, everyone said their goodbyes and left to go to the capital...

Time skip-at the capital

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