{Old Friends} Part 1

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Hide hummed as he walked down the streets of Tokyo, swinging his arms happily and a spring in his step. "Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon!" He cheered making his way to the supermarket. "Kaneki and watermelon!"

Reaching the supermarket, the ghoul investigator pulled the doors open with a large smile, the bells chiming and greeting him with a jolly jingle as he walked inside, his white coat swishing and quinqe case pulled over his shoulder.

"Hey Nagachi!" A voice called as Hide entered.

Hide grinned widely as he turned to face the owner of the voice with a happy wave. "Hey Akino!"

A tall dark haired male in a yellow apron stepped up from behind the counter and walked over to Hide, wearing a grin just as wide and waving happily. "Yo Nagachi! Long time no see," he greeted as Hide shifted his case in his arms and they shook hands. "How's work? The wife?"

"Yeah, you can say that again!" Hide laughed with a shrug as they broke the handshake and stood back, grinning at each other. "Work.. it's as hectic as always," Hide sighed with a shrug, "and 'Neki's fine."

"Don't you two have a kid on the way?"

Hide's face broke out into a wide and genuine smile at the thought that he'd soon have a little child in his and Kaneki's arms.

"Nagachi, you're spacing out."

"A-Ah, I am?" Hide hummed absentmindedly, turning back around to Akino with the dopiest grin on his face. "Sorry!"

Akino chuckled and gave Hide a light pat on the back. "So, can I take that as a yes?" He asked with a small laugh as Hide nodded eagerly.

"Hell yeah, that's a yes!"

   "Do you guys know the gender yet?"

Hide shook his head. "No, but I think that it's gonna be a girl!" He announced, pumping a fist in the air. "An adorable girl just like her mother!"

Akino  nodded as Hide rambled about his views on his child. "Hmm," he asked softly and adjusted his apron, "and what does Kanekichi think?"


   "She thinks that it'll be a boy!"

   "Well then, don't you think that the baby might be a boy, too?" 

   "Nope," Hide said decidedly, crossing his arms with a grunt. "Little Anju is definitely a girl!"

   "Little Anju?" The tall shopkeeper echoed with the slight shake of his head and note of exhaustion in his voice. "You have a name for the baby already?"

   "Geez Akino, you're supposed to back me up, not agree with Kaneki!"

    "I never said that I agreed, Nagachi. All I said was if it's logical for you to jump to conclusions?" Akino sighed as his friend from high school poured at him.  Stepping back, the dark haired shopkeeper knelt down and grabbed a crate by its sides before belting it up. "And besides, doesn't the mother know best?"

Hide sighed and nodded. "I guess," he muttered, shoulders slumping in defeat. "I really want a girl, though."

   "I never said that it's not possible for the baby to be a girl,"

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