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Well... two heroes. Two kids. A recipe for disaster. It's been a month since they adopted Raleigh and Mako.

"Shoko. Bottle." Izuku said. "Coming." She said handing him a baby bottle. He began feeding his daughter. "Mom when is dinner gonna be ready?" Asked Raleigh. "Soon dear." She said kissing him on the cheek. "Raleigh, turn off the tv and go do you homework." Izuku said sternly. "Yes Sir." He said obediently. "Adda boy." Izuku said. Izuku stood up and walked to the kitchen. "Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes." Shoko said like a professional mom. "I feel old." Izuku whined popping his back. "You look old." Shoko retorted with a smile. "Maybe. But you still look beautiful." He said kissing her cheek.

If you couldn't tell they were season parents. They had been excused from school for two weeks but they never failed to be with their children. Mako is 4 months. Raleigh is 8 and a half years. Izuku and Shoko.... though they are married they are still in a courting phase. Not all relationships start with confessions. They just went with it and agreed that they had feelings for each other and decided to solidify their relationship.

"Is Raleigh doing his homework?" Asked Shoko. "Yeah. Just sent the little bugger." "How's Mako." "Same old, same old." He said. "We're great parents." Izuku added. "Yeah." Shoko said calmly with a smile.

"Dinner's ready. Just needs to cool a little." Shoko said. Izuku smirked. "Gypsy. Play Fly Me To The Moon." "Sure thing boss."

Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra was played throughout the house. Izuku held Shoko by the waist and spooned her from behind. "I've never said this but... I love you. As a husband. As a lover. As a father. As a friend. I want to say how much I appreciate you." He said into her ear. "I love you too Izuku." She said moving into his grasp. "Mommy. I'm hungry. Is dinner ready?" Asked their blond child from the living room. "Yes dear. Go to the dinner table." Said Shoko. "Let me help you." Izuku offered

As they shared out dinner they discussed the real reason for the initiative. Or at least their speculations. The Hero Association has seen the drop in heroes. They want more heroes. Both in quantity and power. Hence they wanted singles. It was a valid theory. Eraserhead and Ms. Jake adopted a child as well. A girl. If those two mate together.... Erasure + Jokes. Hmm. The ability to remove joy.... Hence removing someone's motivation. Villains would give up. Makes sense.

After a nice family dinner Izuku put his daughter to bed. Shoko did the same with Raleigh. The two collapsed on the couch. "Sigh. Mako was taking a lot from me. Thanks for taking care of her today." Shoko said leaning into Izuku's chest. Since Mako is a baby she still breast feeds. "No problem Shoko. Since tomorrow is Sunday I'll be gone all day. And Monday. And Tuesday. Oh crap. I'm booked for the entire month." Izuku said checking his schedule. "I know. I checked it. Don't worry about me." "No. I promise I be here on Wednesdays and Weekend Morinings and Afternoons. You can't do this alone." "Izuku.... Mei is helping me. Don't worry." "I have to worry. Those kids need us in their lives. Half the time I'm here they see me in the suit. I will make time for you all. I promise." "Ok.... thank you Izuku. I love you." "Love you too Shoko."

The next day Izuku waves goodbye. "Bye dad." Raleigh said. Shoko was holding Mako as she waved. "Bye son. Bye Mako." He said touching her nose. He looked back at his family one last time as he stepped into the Gypsy Danger. He took out his baton.

Run...... he ran and flung himself into the air. The cycle known Chernobyl came to life with a frightening roar. He was of to save innocents.

Hours later. It is now the next morning.

Izuku awoke from stasis in his suit. He can temporarily Shutdown his brain and allow Tendo to run the suit. He was sleeping but was jarred awake by danger. In this case he awoke due to adequate rest.

"Good day Tendo."

"Morning Boss."

Izuku stopped and looked around and yawned. Then he carried on. Step by step he patrolled the area. He greeted folks as they walked by. He greeted kids as they approach him. Many children love him and the suit. Even when he's out of it he has fanboys.... And fangirls. Let's just say Shoko doesn't like that.

Interesting fact is that half the time Izuku may not be in the suit. He's human too. He has to excrete and eat like any other person.

For the next week Izuku has had a peaceful life. Ever since he and his friends hit the streets, crime went down. The following week he'd venture on to join the heroes in a jointed effort. This would be the second great war of H v V. They just needed to take down a crime syndicate. That's it. Shoko would also be involved so the kids would be left with Mei.

The top ten students from U.A. would participate.

10. Iida.
9. Shiozaki
8. Kendo.
7. Shinsou.
6. Monama
5. Momo
4. Shoko.
3. Shoto
2. Bakugo
1. Izuku.

These brave heroes willed join the Hero Military. 500 heroes would be involved. Divided into 5 brigades. The General was the Hero organization. Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Miruko and Ryuko were Commanders. Izuku, Bakugo, Shoko, Shoto and Iida were Captains. The rest were infantry. They were going full American army mode. Izuku was put as head strategist. Mei, head developer. Every night he, the general and Commanders would discuss battle strats and tactics. The casualties would be minimal. They had spies in every nook and cranny. Dabi was a spy from the beginning. He had infiltrated the gang. They had 1000 men at their disposal. No form of hierarchy. He layed out were the important people were. After this Dabi left the gang to avoid detection by faking his death.

"Dad?" Raleigh said entering the study room. It was another long night of strategizing. "Yes Raleigh? You should be asleep." "Yeah. I was just wondering.... do you ever get scared?" He asked. Izuku motioned for him the sit next to him. "Everyday when I go out fearing the worst. I risk myself to save others. That's the scariest thing someone can do. But it's worth it." Izuku admitted. "Really?" "Yeah.... Raleigh. If I don't come home. Take care of your mother and sister." "Sure thing dad."

Izuku was going to war.

Words 1119

Posted 17/9/2020

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