War Training

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It was a week before the attack. Before Dabi left he gave them a vital piece of info. It wasn't 1000, it was 10000. Every hero has to take down on average 20 villains since they had gotten more troops from overseas. Not an easy feat. Not to mention they couldn't kill them. Legally they can but that would affect their reputation. But was something Izuku, Bakugo, Endeavour and the Hero Association were willing to sacrifice for the survival of innocents.

Currently, izuku was training his company. It was made of young heroes and sidekicks. "Alright men. I am Gypsy Danger. War, does not come with a guarantee. Some of you may not comeback. But your willing sacrifice will be noted. Today you are being put under my command. I...." "Who put you in charge. Your just a student." Shouted a young pro. "Your point?" "Why are you leading? I bet your weak without that suit." He shouted. Everyone fell silent. "Do you want to test that theory?" Izuku said loudly. "Yeah."

It just so happened Bubble Girl was there. "Recoil. He's more than just a suit. He could kill you. I advise you apologise." Awata said to her counterpart. Awata willingly remained a sidekick because she it reminded her of her friend, her teacher. Nighteye. "No. If he wants to fight...... lets fight. Everyone..... move." Izuku said stepping out of his suit. Everyone cleared a path. "You either yield or be knocked unconscience." Izuku said getting into a boxing pose. "ALright. LEts go."

And the two were off. Izuku barraged him with kicks and punches. His opponent simply blocked with an x formation on his chest. All of a sudden the hero pushed him off with a burst of energy knocking izuku to the floor. "Ha told you you were weak." He spat and laughed. Izuku noticed his feet were uncovered and remembered his name, Recoil. He must be able to take some amount of energy from an attack using his feet. If izuku was airborne he couldn't absorb it.

Izuku pick himself and ran full speed. He jumped into the air giving 5 airborne punches he used Recoil's arms to get more airtime to deliver the final kick which knocked him out. "Anyone else?" Izuku asked stepping back into Gypsy Danger. Noone spoke. "Good. Split in groups of 10. Spar with each other. They will be your squad. You'll pick a Sergeant and he reports to me. And someone carry him to Recovery Girl. Tell her it's the glass canon's handiwork." Izuku bellowed. "Yes Sir." They all said. Hmmm yes. Order. Structure. Honour.

After Hours of brutal training. Everyone finds their way home.

Izuku walked inside his little home and collapsed on the couch. Though still in his suit he couldn't bring himself to move. "Welcome home Izuku." Shoko said with her usual bland voice. "Hey." "You sound tired." "I am." "That's interesting." "Had to beat a young pro into order. Tried to usurp my command." "That's to be expected. Your only 16." "Doesn't matter. Where's Raleigh?" "Mei." "Mako?" "Shoto." "Ok. I need to see Mei anyway. I'll be right back." "Ok"

Izuku got up and left the building. "Tendo. Gimme some energy." He said drearily. Tendo then injected him with moderate doses of Adrenaline and Caffeine. He entered Mei's workshop. "What do you want?" He asked. "Software updates for Tendo and some adjustments to the suit." She said. "For the 5th time this month. You never stop working. Where's Raleigh?" He asked. "Sleeping in my quarters." "Okay. Get it over with." Izuku said stepping out of Gypsy Danger.

6 days till war.

Words 608

Posted 18/9/2020

Did you notice I wrote less words. Deal with it. I decided to post these two chapters because I need time to construct more plot.

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