On Patrol

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Izuku is currently on patrol. Since he isn't tied to any one agency he reports to U.A. He's currently patrolling with some friends from other agencies. We have Mumbo Jumbo. His quirk, Redstone allows him to repair anything with his biological nanites. His other friend who goes by her real name, Ashoka Tano. Her quirk is precognition, this allows her to sense her personal surroundings. And his last friend, Perseus who uses her real name but dropped the Jackson. His quirk allows him to control water.

Izuku as usual was in his Gypsy Danger armour. It was time they split up since they had to report to their respective agencies/school.

"Later guys. I'll see you next week." She Izuku said.

"How are you gonna get back. Walk?" Asked Mumbo in his British accent. "I've got a ride." Izuku said. They all raised on eyebrow, then they heard a rumble. Chernobyl was zooming towards them. Then it stopped right next to Izuku.

"Damn Gypsy. I need to get me one of those." Percy laughed. "Nope." Izuku mounted his cycle and zoomed away to U.A.

"Boss. You have a call." Tendo announced.

"Put it through." Izuku ordered.

"Hello?" Said a voice.


"Hey. Umm... can you pick me up. I'm at XXXX."

"On my way."

Izuku made his way over to her location and pulled up beside her and her partner. "Bye Mr. Gunhead. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Shoko. Gypsy."


"So how am I supposed to get on." Shock asked.

"Put your foot there. Then lean on my back." Izuku answered. Shoko neared the bike when, "Wait. Tendo, This is Shoko Todoroki. Allow access." Izuku ordered. "Yes boss. So your Shoko Todoroki. Nice to meet you." Shoko mounted the cycle and said, "nice to meet you too Tendo."

Izuku then zoomed away towards U.A. "You hungry?" He asked. "A little." Izuku stopped the bike near a store and parked.

"Thanks. Are you gonna go in like that?" She asked looking at the suit. "No. Gypsy Danger. Centary mode." Izuku stepped out of Gypsy Danger and left Tendo to do her thing. The suit came to life and stepped into a corner with a hologram.

The two walked a little and entered a coffee shop. "Welcome to Kakoriko Cafe. What would you like?" Asked the bubbly cashier, "Black Coffee." Shoko said. "Same as her." Izuku added. "Okay, table 2 is open. Your meal will be delivered there in 5 minutes." Izuku nodded ad carried his friend over to the table.

"So....." Izuku said.


"Yah like Jazz?"

"Wut? *giggle*."



"How you holding up?"


"With the death of your dad."

"Umm. As bad as he was he  did make up for it. I still love him so... mixed feelings."

"Sorry Sho, if i hit a sensitive topic."


The two heroes whipped their heads around to see a gasoline truck overturn due to a villain attack.

"SHOKO. BLOCK OFF THE CIVILIANS." Izuku shouted. "Got it." Shoko replied. Shoko used her ice to create a boundary.

Izuku rushed outside and began punching with 5 percent of OFA. These guys were tough. "GYPSY. SECURE THE PERIMETER." Izuku shouted. The citizens heard the whoom of Chernobyl. They then saw the suit and the bike.

"Step Away From The Ice Barrier. Now" the robotic voice rumbled. Shoko then froze all villains rendering them useless. The cops came and resolved the issue. Gypsy Danger was used to move the gasoline truck. Half an hour later and they were back at U.A.

Izuku had gotten a call from Mei and was told to send over the Gypsy Danger suit and Chernobyl. He obliged.

"Oh. Midoriya-kun. How was your day." Asked the class president. "Y'know, the usual. Stopping crime." Izuku said. "Oh. Ok."

Izuku then felt a tingling form his arm and brought it up to his face. "Boss. Your sister requests your presence." Said Tendo in a hologram. "I'll be right their."

A few minutes of walking and Izuku was inside Mei's workshop. "Izu.... Ok I've been thinking. It takes ways too long to summon Chernobyl. So using the nanites I have encased Chernobyl into a compact form. How this." She said. She handed him a wand. "What's this?" He asked. "Put on Gypsy Danger first." She ordered. He did his suit up process. He noticed their we're four new additions. Two disks attached to his back. And two attached to his Thigh.

"Now run. Then pull it apart." She said vaguely. He cocked his head. "Just do it."

He nodded. He ran and ran. Until....

First 6 seconds.


"Mei. This is incredible." Izuku said doing donuts." The disks were actually the wheels. Every other part was converted into nanotechnology. "You like?!" She asked. "Definitely. This is gonna revolutionize tech." Izuku commented. "That's they point big bro."

Words 804
Posted 17/9/2020

If y'all didn't notice....short chapters. Yeah.

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