ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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The Jersey Trio became friends with me... I'm not really a fan of them but it is nice of what they did and now. I have friends. Now I'm driving to Kairis house.

Mika: Here it is.

I get out of the car and I ring the doorbell, and kairis mom answered the door.

Kairis mom: Hello

Mika: Hi, I'm Mika, their friend

Kairis mom: It's nice to meet you. Come in

I came inside and I went into Kairis room and the boy are in there.

Mika: Heyyy

Trio: Heyyy!!

Kairi: Sooo, Tell a little about yourself?

Mika: Well my name is Mika Lopez, I'm 17-

Mattia: What School do you go to?

Mika: I'm doing school online.

Mattia: Oh why?

Mika: I decided to transfer

Mattia: Oh okay.

Alejandro: Have you always lived over here?

Mika: Yeah, I live a few minutes away from here.

Alejandro: Ohh okay.

Kairi: Is there anything you want to do?

Mika: Ah I don't know haha

Kairi: Do you have TikTok?

Mika: I do but I don't post publicly.

Kairi: What do you mean? Is your account private?

Mika: No it's public I just put my TikToks either on private or friends only.

Kairi: Oh okay, here I'll follow you.

I give Kairi my username and he follows me and I accepted his request and now he can see my TikToks but there nothing special, just me.

Kairi: So do you want to make a TikTok?

Mika: Um sure...

He picked a sound to dance to and we made the TikTok and he posted it.

Kairi: That was good, do you dance?

Mika: No.

Mattia: Well you did gymnastics at the parking garage today, do you take gymnastics?

Mika: I used to when I was younger but I stopped, and now I just do it for fun.

Kairi: Oh that's nice.

Mattia: I'm gonna go, I'll leave you two be.

Alejandro: Me too.

Kairi: Okay, bye

Mattia and Alejandro: Bye

Mika: Bye

Mattia and Alejandro leave and I was just hanging out with Kairi.

Kairi: So, what else do you want to do?

Mika: I don't know, maybe talk some more.

Kairi: Okay that's fine

Mika: Sorry if I'm being awkward, I not really used to being with my friends anymore.

Kairi: Oh why?

Mika: They hate me...

Kairi: Why? What happened?

Mika: I can't really tell anyone it's personal.

Kairi: Okay I respect that.

Mika: Thank you. Um... I have to use this bathroom, can you show me where it is.

Kairi: It is that door over there

Mika: Thank you

I go to the bathroom and I am nervous because it feels so weird meeting someone and I just don't know what to say.

After I used the bathroom I come back to Kairis room

Mika: I'm back.

Kairi: do you want to make more TikToks?

Mika: Sure

Kairi: Do you want to make it on your account or mine?

Mika: We could do mine.

Kairi: Okay

We made a TikTok together and then I posted it but it was on friends only.

Kairi: Oh wow, you have a lot of private tiktoks.

Mika: Yeah I know. I'll show you some of them.

I showed Kairi some of my private tiktoks even though a lot of them were from months ago. And he noticed how much I've changed style wise and my eyes were red.

Kairi: oh wow, you look different here.

Mika: I know

Kairi: how come your eyes are so red?

Mika: Um I don't know

Kairi: You look like a skater girl.

Mika: Yeah that's my style, except I can't skate haha.

Kairi: I could teach you some time.

Mika: I'd rather not just because I don't want to get hurt. Even though I got hurt this morning.

Kairi: Oh why?

Mika: I fell off a chair and cut my forehead with the bowl.

Kairi: Oh shit I just noticed the band aid.

Mika: Yeah but I'm fine now.

Kairi: That's good. Have you ever watch anime?

Mika: I haven't

Kairi: Wanna watch some with me?

Mika: Sure

We watched some episodes of anime and I suddenly like anime now.

Mika: what time is it?

Kairi: 6:00

Mika: Oh I got time. I didn't even realize how long I've been out for.

Kairi: Were you supposed to be somewhere?

Mika: No no, I got nothing else to do, I'm just saying because my brother is probably wondering where I am.

Kairi: Oh well if you want to go you can.

Mika: Okay, and thank you for inviting me over here.

Kairi: No problem

Mika: Oh yeah before I forget, here is my phone number.

Kairi: Thank you! When do you want to hangout next?

Mika: tomorrow?

Kairi: perfect! See you tomorrow!

Mika: Bye!

I drive home and I walk into the house and Julian and Courtney are on the couch watching a movie and they saw me and paused the tv.

Julian: Hey Mika, I didn't think you would be out that long.

Mika: I made a friend today!

Julian: oh really! Who?

Mika: his name is Kairi and he's my age and he invited me to his house today and hung out, made TikToks and watched anime.

Julian: That's great! He seems like a nice person.

Mika: He is

Courtney: Do you like him?

Mika: Yeah as a friend. And we're hanging out again tomorrow

Julian: Oh good for you!

I go to my room and put on my sleepwear and I went to sleep

𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘇||KairiWhere stories live. Discover now