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Brook's POV

The first thing I saw when we walked through those doors was the darkness. I couldn't see a thing in there besides the tile floor near the exit.

"S, it's good to see you well and back," a voice said from the darkness, startling me.

S stopped walking and bowed his head stiffly. "I thank thee, sir. I brought a newcomer with me."

"Hm, quite interesting," the voice said. "What's your name, my dear?"

"Uh, Brook?" I said slowly, inching away from S.

The voice laughed dryly. "Do not worry, S will not kill you. Just be aware he is very jumpy and will not hesitate to put you at knife point."

S rolled his eyes.

"So, who are you?" I asked, picking up my courage now that S couldn't kill me.

"The people here refer to me as The Voice," The Voice said.

"That's a very accurate name," I muttered.

"Yes, it is," he said. "I'm the leader of the Wielders."

"Wielders?" I asked. "Who're they?"

"Everyone in this building, except you," he said flatly. "The people here have been trained to use black magic."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're kidding. Black magic?"

"I'm not kidding in the slightest," he said. "S is one of my best Wielders. He is currently learning how to stop time with his magic."

"Leave my training out of this," S said, sounding irritated.

"Apologies," The Voice said. 

I felt in my pocket and my eyes widened. "Where's my phone?"

Then I remembered the man who was trying to kill me had taken it and I had never gotten it back. I started to panic.

"I need to tell my mom where I'm at," I said, looking at S. "She going to get so worried, and then call the police, and-"

"Thy mother is the least of my concerns," S said.

"But she's my mom!" I said. "You have to understand how important she is to me, right?"

S was silent. 

So was The Voice.

After a moment I said, "What, did I say something wrong?"

"No," The Voice said quickly. "It's just we can't allow you to contact your mother."

I felt tears form in my eyes. "What? I just need to tell her I'm okay..."

"Apologies, but I can't allow that," he said.

This was too much heartbreak for one day. I turned and stormed out of the room without another word. I didn't know where I was going, I just didn't want to listen to that stupid voice again.

Then, suddenly, I couldn't move. I tried as hard as I could to keep walking, but it was like I was frozen in place.

"Where is thou going?" A voice asked.

I could suddenly move again, but right as I was about to bolt a hand grabbed my arm and turned me sideways. Suddenly I was face-to-face with S.

His eyes, which were the only part of his face I could see, looked angry.

"Away from you and that stupid master of yours," I said, trying to rip my arm out of his grip, but his grip was like steel.

"Why, just because thou can't tell thy mother all about us and destroy our entire community?"

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