Cassie & Madelyn

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Sky's POV


That was the only word I could think of as I sat in Brook's arms, too weak and in too much pain to even sit up.

I knew we had to escape, but how? 

I was too exhausted and frail to even say the ancient phrase to teleport, and if I could, I could probably kill myself.

Brook would most likely kill herself if I taught her the phrase, too. Although her magic worked differently than normal black magic, she could still die by overexerting herself. 

So, here we were, sitting here in a prison cell and awaiting our death. 

Or, more accurately, my death, because Brook wasn't sitting here hurt and in pain.

Then, I had the best idea in the entire world. 

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But it was a pretty great idea.


I laid there listening to my own heartbeat thump in my ears and trying to get my mouth to move. 

Yes, I had been hurt worse than this before, but that was about 9 or 10 years ago. My body had recovered from feeling that much pain, and now it wasn't used to being able to withstand that amount of pain anymore.

"B-Brook..." I mumbled, trying to look up at her but my head wouldn't move.

"Shut up, you need to rest and recover," she said, glaring down at me.

"Listen..." I coughed and shuttered, then tried to continue. "Y-you have... to... focus..."

"Sky, I don't know what you mean," she said, looking confused. "Focus? On what?"

"Cassie," I gasped, grabbing her arm. "On Cassie..."

"Cassie...?" She asked, still looking confused. Then her face cleared and she said, "Oh, your sister Cassie?"

"Y-yes, her..." I muttered, blinking very slowly. "You have... to tell... her..."

"Sky, maybe you should wait until you've recovered to tell me," Brook said, the concern evident in her eyes.

"No!" I said. "You have... to do it now..."

She grabbed my shoulders and shook me gently. "Are you hearing yourself? You sound half-crazed. I can hardly understand you. And you're really pushing yourself. Your sweating and your face is really pale. You. Need. Rest."

I just stared at her as my head throbbed with my heartbeat.

Cassie, I thought as my eyes began to close. Can you hear me?

My eyes jerked open when a faint voice said, S? Am I going insane or did I just hear your voice?

Cassie! I thought, overjoyed that my sister could hear me. Me and Brook need your help.

With what? She groaned.

Can you please ask her? I asked silently. I'm really exhausted and I need to rest. Just imagine her face really hard and say, 'Koui tou'.

Fine, fine, she said. Sweet dreams.

My eyes slowly shut and I drifted into an unconscious state.


I startled awake to Brook shaking me. I sat up and said, "Stop shaking me, my go-"

I was cut off my Brook's hand and a loud gunshot the rang out. Brook didn't seem to hear it, but I did.

She gestured towards the doorway with her head. I frowned a little as I studied it. Was it... transparent? 

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