Haruto: To be

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Haruto: To be

Haruto as himself

You as Wilaine

Wilaine's P.O.V.

I am here now at the cafe. Wondering why faith is so cruel at me.

I sighed and get the cup of coffee. The bitter sweet taste of it reflects my past relation.

How I miss him. How I miss his hugs and kisses. I love him, he loves me, but we need to let go of each other.

Dreams versus us. We need to face the reality.

Tomorrow I am going to another country. Where he is. I'll be having my work there. Some company recruited me to be one of their make up artist. I'll do make up for a group. In Korea.

I took a bite to the slice of cake in front of me. It easily melt in my mouth.

I sighed for the third time. I am just gonna let the faith to decide for us. If we will see each other again there, then good. If not then it's okay too.

I have no bitter feeling for him because we both decide on this. Letting go of each other without any grudge.

As I finished I stand up. I walk across the street. I want to relax before I leave this country. I'll just face the reality tomorrow.

After getting busy to some stuffs, I decided to go home so that I can prepare my things that I will bring to Korea.

"When will you go back?" my younger brother asked while I'm packing. He's been watching me for how many minutes.

"I'm not sure," I said and shrugged my shoulders off. "But I'll always call you so that we can still talk and see each other," I said to comfort him.

He nodded his head. "Better be."

"When I saved so many money I will bring you there so that you can roam around and experience that place," I putted my last stuff to the suitcase.

"Really?" he excitedly blurted out. "I am so excited!" he squaled.

I just laugh at him. My little brother is so precious.

Mama open the door. "Let's eat. So that you can sleep early," she said.

Flyn, my little brother, ran to her and leave my room.

I sighed and look around my room. I'll be leaving it for how many years, I am not sure. There are some posters hanging on the wall.

I walked towards it and traced his face. I have a poster of his group and of course his solo shot.

I miss him so much. Does he still know me?

He's now a famous rapper in Korea. Which is his dream. They're group debuted last three years and they are really doing well. Well, I am one of their big fan. Especially him. I will support him no matter what.

Stepping out of my room, I walked towards the kitchen. There I saw my parents and my little brother waiting for me so that we can start to eat.

We have a little chitchats while eating. Asking some stuffs and giving advices to me so that I can cope up in Korea.

"Your skills can really get you to the highest," my mother commented.

Yup. I am one of a hella great make up artist here in our country. I do some make ups of many artist here.

Then one day, one of my client took a video while I am doing something on her face. She's a vlogger after all. A famous vlogger, I may add. That's when I get discovered from some companies in Korea. Music companies to be exact.

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