Episode 4

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Some things to remember:

BOLD LETTERS- POV's, Locations
Normal letters- japanese
Italic letters- english

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Ōrerion POV

It was already a brand new day. I've already got too much sleep, so I wanted to hang out with my friends. I sat up from my bed and stretched.

"Hng!!!" I let out.

I then stood up from the bed and went out of my room. I went straight to the bathroom and washed my face.

(Author's note: the 69'th word is Bathroom. Heads up guys. No, not the one on the bottom.)

I went downstairs while drying my face with a towel. The cold water from the faucet woke me up so I could now perform my tasks.

"Alright." I said as I mentally list the things I wanted to do.

'Cook breakfast, Take a bath, Go out to have fun with my friends, come back home happy.' I thought as I began to cook bacon.

Lance POV


I yawned as I lay down the bed. Being groggy made me want to sleep more. I look at the weight on my chest and saw Filia sleeping contently.

'Looks like she had fun on the gaming night.' I thought.

"Hey Filia..." I whisper.

"M..mmh...." Filia groaned.

"Gee, keep acting like a kid will ya?" I said while smiling.

"Five seconds..." She said.

"You like being spoiled now?" I asked.

"Mmh..." She nods.

"What am I gonna do with you..." I said with a smile.

"Come on lets get up." I said.

"Okay..." She said as she sat up and stretched.

"Good morning." I said.

"Mornin' Darlin'" she teased as she kisses my cheek.

(Author's note: Im cringing writing this scene. Please send help.)

"Hey there, calm down." I said as I pat her head.

"Let's go?" I asked her as she nodded.

We went out the room to see The twins sitting down the couch at the living room of the second floor.

"Morning love birds." Veronica teases.

"Morning vegetable." I said as I stuck my tongue out.

"Take that back!" Veronica said as she was held back by her brother.

"Let's go downstairs." I said as me and Filia went on first.

"Oh come on. What the hell are you calling me for?!?!" Ōrerion kun said.

"Ha???? What the hell do you mean 'watch me from the distance?!?!' are you a stalker!?!??" Ōrerion said.

"No, don't even think of causing trouble." Ōrerion said as he hung up.

"For fucks sakes, why the hell would she go here?!?" Ōrerion kun rants.

"Is this a bad time?" Veronica asks.

"Oh, good morning." Ōrerion kun said.

"So, what's in the menu?" Greene asks.

"Oh, I cooked up some bacon and egg burger." He said as he showed us our new breakfast for the day.

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