The Green hue Fields

17 3 0

Running my hands through

the growing green wheat,

it hit me, this thought:

Even in these green hue fields

I am all alone.

Lonely in a crowd,

I feel my tears as they trickle down

my face.

My love,

please hold me, love me, touch me

Do you even exist?

Or are you just an idea in my head.

There's so many things I want to say 

to you,my love.

I want to tell you 

how it feels just to breathe next to you.

to please wipe off my tears.

I treasure

the sound of your voice ,

when you laugh.

I want to feel how you feel

when you look into my eyes.

I want to see you see the stars.

The green hue fields  turn gold

with your touch.

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