Chapter 3 - New Girl?

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- Mae's POV -

I yawn and stretch out my arms as I approach mom's office, 'who's going to go into your office anyways, there's absolutely nothing interesting in there, so why do you need someone to watch over it' I groan.


Too lazy to check the name of the caller I pick up "hmm? Mae Sinclair speaking" I lazily say as I snack on some strawberries in the student council room. Lazing around on my self-claimed black bean bag.

"Hi Mae, it's your mother, could you watch over my office for a bit? I'm going out to collect the usual" 

"Mmm, how long?"

"Give me about 20 minutes hon"

"'kay, be safe, ciao" I reply ending the call.

I hop off the couch and put the leftover strawberries in the mini-fridge we keep in the student council room before leaving. It was my idea to buy the mini-fridge and I don't regret it one. bit.

Our student council room is basically just a huge lounge room and library combined. It's amazing yes, but I would kill to get my hands on a space to play my video games.

I frown, Claire won't let me put in a gaming space in the room, afraid that it would affect our studies and such. Humph. What a party pooper like usual.

*end of flashback*


As I enter mom's office I hear my phone ping with new notifications, and I pull out the device to see that it's from the student council group chat.


Student Council

"Are we having our usual study session today? Or are everyone's schedules full?" - Ollie

"My schedule is clear today, I don't see why not :)" - Claire Bear

"Ok." - Xavvie

"LET'S DO ITT!!! :00" - Me

"What time today?" - Ollie

"Any time is fine for me" - Claire Bear

"Same." - Xavvie

"I'm free whenever, wherever ;)" - Me

"You don't even go to class, so your opinion isn't really needed Mae" - Ollie

"Ouch... you hurt my feelings Ollie, so mean... I'm telling on you ;(" - Me

"Whatever, we can discuss this over lunch in the council room" - Ollie

'thumbs up emoji' - Claire Bear


I smile as I place my phone down on the table. I make my way to my part of her office where I keep snacks for whenever I need to 'babysit' mom's office.

"Hmm, choc chip cookies or strawberry flavoured lollipop...?" I ask myself, holding the two in front of me at eye level, squinting at my options.

After a while, I gave up and chose to eat the chocolate chip cookies first, stuffing the lollipop in the pocket of my skirt to save for later.

"So good..." I hum out in delight placing one hand on my cheek as I savor the delicious taste.

"Might as well check up on my social media and reply to some messages from my dear followers" I say taking out my phone as I nibble on another cookie.

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