Chapter 1 - Back Home

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- Your POV -

"It's been too long, California." I yawn as I stretch in my seat waiting for my auntie and cousin to pick me up from the airport.

'It doesn't look all that different from the last time I've seen this place' I think to myself, scanning the airport entrance. Although I'm not that hungry I look up options that are available in the area on my phone.


"bark! bark!!"

'Dog?' tearing my eyes away up from my phone, the first thing I see before a soft collision is a small white fluffy snowball running and jumps towards me at full speed, following behind are my auntie and cousin.

"Oh!" I giggled as Vivi starts licking my face as if it had peanut butter on it or something, happily wagging her tail as she finally reunites with me after being 2-3 years away from each other. But... something doesn't feel right... As she starts to calm down, I hold her up and inspect her thoroughly. 

My eyes widen.

"Imogen! Have you been overfeeding her?!" I exclaimed, pointing at Vivi looking at the black-haired girl in front of me as Auntie Mira chuckles and starts to grab my luggage and return back to the car, meanwhile Vivi starts to lick my finger.

"Um, I don't think so..." she replied narrowing her eyes at Vivi.

"Dude, how can you tell, she's literally covered with her fluffy ass fur" she points, reverting her eyes back to me.

I sighed, "Oh goodness, well now we have to take her to the vet to check up on her health... Can you get Auntie Mira, please?" petting Vivi, she nods and retrieves the rest of my luggage to the car, I get up and follow close behind carrying Vivi in my arms.

"So, how is your grandmother y/n?" Auntie asked.

"The doctor says she's been getting better but... I'd rather she just stay in bed and rest that little bit longer" I say making eye contact with her in the rear-view mirror.

"But hey, at least she's getting better" Imogen said, turning around from her front seat to face me.

"Yeah, you're right" I smiled.

"Oh! And when did you dye the ends of your hair, Imogen?" I ask noticing her purple ends.

"Long time ago" she says as she twirls her hair around her finger.

The rest of the way back to their house we caught up with each other and what had happened throughout the 2-3 years I've been away. After a while, I started to doze off.


I start to open my eyes back up and take in the surrounding area. 'Huh... that's weird...' I thought as we pass jaw-dropping mansion-like houses.

"Um... Auntie Mira? A-are you sure this is the right neighbourhood or something?" I say gaping my eyes, turning towards both Auntie and Imogen.

A few seconds had passed, then Auntie bursts laughed that lasted for a few seconds then died down as Imogen snorted.

"You'll get used to it... Eventually" Auntie said, smiling as we pull up to the house.

Arriving at a decent somewhat rich-like two-story house, I sigh in relief that there is some form of normality in this high rich society-like neighbourhood. I follow everyone inside the house with my share of baggage to carry inside.

After transporting all my luggage inside, I decided to explore the area, so I walked over to Imogen to see if she'd like to go on a walk with me to familiarize myself with the area. As soon as I say the word walk Vivi starts to run towards the door with her leash in her mouth, sitting down in front of the door and waits for us to put the leash on her.

"Well, might as well take her on a walk, I have yet to take her on a walk today 'cause we had to pick you up from the airport," Imogen says, walking over to Vivi and puts on her leash. We then get ready to head out before it gets dark.

"Mom!! We'll be back home by dinner! Just going on a walk!" Imogen shouts as we start walking out the door, closing it behind us as we leave.

A few minutes into our walk we stumble across a playground with a doggie park right next to it.

"I think we should rest a bit here don't you think Gen?" I ask sitting down on a wooden bench.

"Gee, it seems like forever since I heard that nickname" she replied.

I chuckle, looking into the distance I see the sun setting ever so slowly and the sky slowly changing colours. I took a deep breath in and exhaled 'it's great to be back' I thought closing my eyes for a moment.

Opening my eyes again I ask, "ready to go home?" turning to Imogen, she nods and then we made our way back home just in time for dinner.


"Thank you for the dinner, Aunt Mira, here I'll help wash the dishes," I offer, collecting the plates from the table and making my way to the sink.

"Mmm, thank you honey" she hums in approval.

"Ah! Before I forget, y/n you will be attending the same school as Imogen and you will start, I think it was... two days from now? So, Monday, are you okay with that?" she asks as she searches through papers. Most likely finding the information sheet or something.

I remain silent to see if she has anything else to say.

"Are you okay hon?" she looks up and turns to me.

"Oh, no don't worry I'm okay with it" I smiled.

"Don't worry honey, Imogen will be there, you'll be fi-" she assures me but gets cut off from a phone call. She furrows her brows then immediately started gathering her stuff.

"Yes? Hello?... Yes... I see... No, don't need to do that... Mmh... Yes alright, hold on a sec... Girls I have an important shift to attend to. Are you girls going to be fine alone for a few?" she asks grabbing her coat from the coat rack, starting to head out the door.

"Mmm..." Imogen hums in approval. Aunt nods then look at me.

"We will be fine Aunt Mira don't worry, I'll prepare leftovers for you when you get home if you get hungry and do be careful on your way there and back" I reply, seeing her off.

"Must be hardworking as a doctor, I hope she's taking care of herself" I mumble to myself closing the door heading back into the kitchen.


"Alright, I'm heading off. G'night y/n" Imogen says as she gets up from the couch and heads towards her room.

"Wait! Imogen what about the information for school?" I ask grabbing her hand.

She turns around and pats my head "don't worry about it for the time being, I'll fill you in on it on Monday or sometime later tomorrow, maybe, but at the moment I'm beat" she says. Letting go of her hand I nod, heading to my room.

"I have a lot of stuff to unpack, but I guess I can start tomorrow" I sigh looking at all my luggage in the corner of my room. Grabbing my essentials, I take a quick warm shower, brush my teeth and change into comfortable sleepwear.

I walk over to my queen-sized bed and as soon as I hit the covers my body deflates like a balloon. "So soft..." I mumble. I lie back and stare at the ceiling and start forming thoughts about my life here in California. After a while of thinking sleep catches up to me, I start to slowly doze off into the darkness.

Author note:

"Hi hi, thanks for reading the first chapter of my story, I hope you enjoyed it. Just letting you know that later on in the story there will be other POVs from the other characters. Please comment on my writing 'cause I want to improve so, constructive criticism is welcome."

See you <3

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