Chapter 4 - New Friends

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- Your POV -


"Now for the student council members to take the stage as they do every year."


A few seconds later the entrance to the theatre bursts open with a loud bang, revealing four gorgeous students.

"Oh my god, they're here!"

"Quick take a picture!"

"I love their style, I'm so jealous..."

"Omg, I heard-"

'They're gorgeous, I can almost see the roses and such behind them I subconsciously mumble, mesmerised by the four people walking up to the stage.

"Mmm, yeah you can say that it's pretty common," Imogen says, snapping me out of my trance.

After introducing me to each member, my eyes sparkle in amazement.

"It's been agreed over the years by everyone that they should all be called 'The Royals' because of their immense beauty and inhumane intelligence and skills. They also have the impression and aura of actual royals, them being the richest people in school that is full of other filthy rich people" she says, turning her attention to the stage where Xavier begins his speech.

'Well, that was... interesting to know' I sigh, turning my own attention towards the stage.

*end of flashback*

"-furthermore, I hope you enjoy the rest of your years here at Angelwood Academy" Claire ends her welcome speech with a bow. The others follow and bow towards the crowd, then starting to head off the stage to go to wherever they need to go.


Everyone soon broke out into their long-awaited conversations, gossip and whispers. Row by row without assistance from the teachers, the students quickly flow out of the theatre. I stand to stretch and so does Imogen while waiting for our row to leave.

"Well, that was one of the most boring assemblies ever." Imogen states as she stretches out her legs. I nod.

"Time to head to class y/n, what class do you have first?" she asks, turning to me as we head out of the theatre.

"If memory serves me right, I have History with Mr Lint." I reply.

"Damn, I have English with Mr Jun." she groans.

After a while of walking, she stops at the front of my History class.

"Thank you for accompanying me to class Imogen." I smile turning to her.

"It's alright, wouldn't want you to get lost for your first day. Besides my class is quite literally across from yours." She chuckled as she points to her classroom. I nod then we both part ways.

'You can do this y/n; you can do this' pep-talking myself up before entering the door.

As I open the door I don't see many students in the class. "Sorry for the intrusion," I mumble to no one in particular as I awkwardly walk in and close the door behind me, scanning the room for an unoccupied seat to sit in.

'Maybe I'll sit at the back, there're a lot of open seats there' looking over at the back I awkwardly make my way there to claim my seat.

As I sit down in my seat the door opens, and I look up to see Mae and Claire walk in with a horde of students following behind with a reasonable distance, mainly away from Claire. They stop for a second and scan the room for seats. By now all the chatter had ceased and silence filled the room with a few occasional whispers here and there, but all the attention is on them. Mae soon turns her attention to the group of students behind her and Claire. Claire's eyes meet mine for a moment before taking off again to stop at a chair near the front of the class.

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