Chapter 5 - The Student Council

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- 3rd POV -

"Mae has been gone for a long while now, shall I go look for her?" Claire said bookmarking her page in her book as she looks up snapping it shut, preparing herself to find the carefree girl.

"No need, just leave her be Claire she'll come back eventually and with the new student that apparently piqued her interest" Oliver said moving his chess piece across the board. "Smart move Oliver but unfortunately not smart enough, checkmate" Xavier cut in with a smirk on his face, causing Oliver to groan in defeat.

"100-99 I win as per usual, now pay up" Oliver sighed and handed over $100 to Xavier. "You too Claire," he said looking over to the white-haired girl shaking her head and sighed, taking her part of the bet out of her wallet.

"So, who's the girl that piqued Mae's interest?" Claire asked, placing the money in Xavier's hand. "Let's see... a basic overview is that her name is y/n l/n, 16 so same year level as me and Claire, and is, the cousin of Imogen Morales and looking at her past record she has done nothing bad and I would say that her academic performance is quite average, so nothing out of the ordinary, just your average teenage girl," Oliver said reading from his tablet.

"What about her parents anything interesting?" Xavier asked, cleaning up the chessboard.

"Uh let's see what I can find... oh... that's... weird, I can't find anything past the information I just read out before apart from that she used to live with her grandmother for 2-3 years in f/c (fav country)," he said, pushing his glasses back up looking at Claire and Xavier.

'Hm, I guess that's interesting...' he thought, picking up a chess piece off the board.


"WE... WE'RE... WE'RE HERE!" Mae shouted proudly as she easily pulled the small girl who was a bigger panting mess into the room. Quickly going down the stairs as fast as she could as she hurriedly made her way to the table so that you could rest, excited to introduce her to the others. Seating her down she quickly dragged everyone else to sit at the table, giving the other council members a big smile.

"Okay, okay! I know it's literally class time right now but I just couldn't resist! Anyways~ everyone, meet y/n l/n and y/n meet the student council members of Angelwood Academy!" she happily exclaimed plopping herself in the seat next to y/n, unwrapping a piece of candy and chucking it in her mouth, 'mm~ so sweet!' she thought holding her cheek against her hand.


'This is so awkward... why am I even here?' you thought awkwardly staring at the three people across from her, fidgeting with your fingers in your seat as the others look at each other for a brief moment then proceeded to introduce themselves properly.

"Ahem, y/n, right? I'm Claire Willows the vice-president, it's a pleasure to meet you" the beautiful white-haired girl said as her ruby red eyes locked with yours standing up and slightly bowing before seating herself back down in her chair.

"Guess I'm next, I'm Oliver Lee the secretary, but you can call me Oliver or Lee whichever one you prefer now that we're acquainted," he said giving you a small smile making you slightly blush, and nodded then he nudged Xavier indicating that he was next.

Your e/c (eye color) eyes roam to the black-haired boy that was seated in the middle of Claire and Oliver and locking eyes to his red ones for a moment as he chuckled before giving you a closed-eye smile that felt slightly intimidating. "Welcome to Angelwood Academy y/n, even for a new student this should already be known to you but if not then I'll introduce myself again. I'm Xavier Seymour the president, nice to meet you" he said as he rested his chin on top of his interlocked fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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