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Roses are redDani just wants to be a plain JaneViolets aren't as sweet as chocolateAnd Atlas has officially gone insane

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Roses are red
Dani just wants to be a plain Jane
Violets aren't as sweet as chocolate
And Atlas has officially gone insane

After that long dreadful day at school, Dani felt sick.

Sick was just her new norm now.

Hanging out with Audrey only took her mind off everything temporarily. It made her feel like a normal teenager, and not a convicted killer who was planning on skipping town and running away to a new city, leaving a trail of bodies. She hasn't felt normal since last year. It felt good to be normal, but that feeling didn't last forever. As soon as she was by herself again, her mind went spiralling into a dark place.

For the past few days, she had successfully avoided Atlas. She couldn't be in the same room with him anymore. The look of his beady brown eyes and the sound of his witty yet horrifying voice made her gag and contemplate life.

None of what she did was worth the money. Nothing he could pay her could mend what she did. Money was money, and life was life. She realized she had to find the money elsewhere to make her great escape. Maybe pick up another job or just wing it? Eventually, she'll have to tell Atlas that she was done with their deal. However, she wasn't up to it now... she still needed some time to herself.

It's been over a week since she pushed Chris down the stairs. A week of grieving and crying over someone who was never really in her life. Mrs. Herbert was just a distant memory in her mind now, too. Yes, there were some good times, but her careless attitude outweighed the good... maybe she got what she deserved? Dani slapped her face as she removed that thought from her mind.

She buried her head into her biology textbook while her notes were sprawled out, completely covering the table. She needed to stop worrying about everything and everyone, and she needed to worry about her life. Homework was important right now; At least the homework would keep her mind off the bad things.

She stared at the pages with the weird diagrams.

And the weird diagrams stared back at her.

Focus... She needed to focus. Stop thinking about death!

"Daniela??" A little whiny voice called from the other side of the cottage. "Can you make me some hot chocolate?" the voice begged.

Moments later, a tiny wad of blankets waddled into the room.

Her little brother Benjamin was in the middle.

He was sick—Well at least she thought he was sick. His temperature was normal when she checked it in the morning before school, and she could have sworn she heard him jump around. But Benjamin was such an excellent actor; it was hard to tell whether he was sick or faking it.

"No, Benjamin, you're old enough to make it yourself," She sighed as her head fell onto the kitchen table. A migraine was forming.

"But Dani? Carrie said that you have to cater to my every need when I'm sick?!"

Daniella RoseWhere stories live. Discover now