[2. Herobrine × Reader](Minecraft)

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   You walked through the library, wonder stricken. You didn't expect to find a stronghold, but thank the creators you did. All these books were old; old to the point you had never seen them until now. One book caught your eye, a book of History and entities; 'The World; History and Myths'. You grabbed it without second thought, as Myths had always gained your attention. You'd heard of 303, Null, and your personal favorite, Herobrine; you never read about them, though, until now.

   Your fixation with Herobrine started quite a while ago, maybe when you were sixteen, your friend told you a story that stuck with you the past ten years, and it made you obsess over the entity.

   "It was a calm night, like this one. Bees buzzing and birds chirping, and I was just walking home from gathering food for the week. While walking, I heard a SNAP, a tree branch. Turning around, I saw two glowing eyes-"
   "No, you're a liar."
   "No I'm not, (Y/N)!"
   "Well continue then."
   "AHEM, So he just stood there. Herobrine. A well known entity of chaos and destruction, one to be feared by man."
   "... (Y/N). God of CHAOS and DESTRUCTION, people are scared of him!"
   "Is there any history on him?"
   "I- I mean.. there's folk tales!
   "That's unreliable- What if you're wrong? He's probably lonely as all Nether!"
   "(Y/N), you're crazy."
   "Well did you talk to him?"
   "... No.."
   "Creator damn it, Alex."

   Since they told you that story, you sought out to find the entity and talk to him. That may be difficult, but you didn't mind a little challenge. You hid the book under your jacket and ran off back to your base, having made a tunnel and staircase down to this Stronghold, it was easy to get back home.

   You slammed down the book and flipped through the pages, "Ender dragon, N*tch, Entity, Null, Wither, Undead, Unknow- Aha! Here he is!" You found Herobrines chapter after a bit of page flipping.

   "Herobrine; God of Chaos and Destruction" You scoffed at that chapter title, "Herobrine is the brother of N*tch (God of Life and Creation), uncle of Steve (Demigod of Nature). He is most known for burning villages and houses, even stealing from others. There is no record of anyone witnessing this, nor has he ever spoken to anyone since he fled the Ather to the Nether, of which he is rumored to reside." You sighed, feeling bad for him. There was no witness to what he was accused of, he might not of even done what they claimed. He also lived in the Nether, where many die and monsters reside, he must be lonel-

   "Groan" You looked out the window to see a baby zombie looking through it. You thought for a moment before standing up and walking to the window. You placed your hand on the glass, the Zombie tilting it's head. "Friend." You said through the glass. You didn't expect the Zombie to place his hand where yours was and repeat, "F- Frie- end.." Your eyes widened. You walked outside as the sun began to rise, grabbing the Zombie and bringing him in. "Safe." You said to him quickly, setting him on the ground before pacing around. He still hadn't attacked you.. "Wanna stay?" You asked him, and the lil guy nodded. If he was friendly..

   You ran outside, quickly building a wide area of shade using wool and wood. You already saw burning monsters hide underneath it. You ran back inside, seeing a few of them look at you and tilt their head. You made a heart with your hands.. them mimicking you. This was insane...

   Days went by, then weeks, the baby Zombie said his name was Zill, and you've kept him in your house since you found him. For the past few days, you felt eyes on you. Not angry ones or anything that made you anxious, it felt like someone was curiously staring at you. You knew the difference.

   You went back to the stronghold a few times and found more books on your favorite person. The more you read, the more you felt like Hero was just misunderstood and more person than people make him out to be- you even started calling him Hero in your mind. "Hey, Zill?" You called the Zombie, looking up from the tenth book you've gotten, the others sprawn across the desk. The zombie looked at you and tilted its head. "Wanna go on the roof tonight?" You asked. You mostly wanted to go up there to see if you could figure out who was staring at you. You had an idea of who it was, but you didn't want to get your hopes up. Zill nodded, which you smiled at.

   You walked outside, going to kill some animals and get food in general. You've cared less about animals, having read about what N*tch had done in the past, you didn't care about his creations. You hadn't killed a monster in weeks though. You found multiple cows and sheep, but not many pigs; then again, you never saw many pigs near your house. Having gathered enough supplies, you turned to walk back home when you heard a "SNAP". A tree branch.. You did a three sixty to look at what made the noise, but you didn't see anyone. "Hello?" You called out, looking around, "... H- Hero?" You felt stupid for calling out his name of all people, but you wanted to test it,

   "Herobrine? I'm friendly! Really, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone!" You looked around more but didn't see him, or anyone. With a sigh, you started walking home when you slipped on- paper? You grabbed it, standing up from where you fell, and read it. 'Wait on the roof as you planned. I'll be there. -H' A lump got caught in your throat as you rapidly looked around. "Wha- I- You- Oh, you sneaky bastard." You smiled at the paper, walking back home quickly to make sure you and Zill ate on time.

   It was midnight, the moon at its fullest. You put Zill on your shoulders and climbed up the ladder to get on the roof. The sky was littered with stars, it was beautiful. "I used to do this all the time, Zill.. With my old friends.. before they all thought that.. I wasn't good enough.. that I was crazy for not wanting to kill monsters since highschool, for being transgender, for wanting to meet people like Null, Entity, and..." You sighed, holding your knees to your chest as Zill leaned on you. "And me?" You turned around at the sudden voice, seeing the man with no pupils right behind you. "Yep, and you." You smiled, looking back out at the stars.

   It was silent for a moment.. then you sighed, "Are you just gonna stand there or sit next to me?" You heard him nervously clear his throat before sitting next to you. "You been watching me?" You asked. "H- How did you guess?" He muttered. "I didn't, you just told me." He took a second to process what you meant before laughing, "I suppose I did." You thought for a moment before putting your hand on his, it was cold.. He didn't say anything, though. "Your hands are cold." You muttered before moving closer to him and moving Zill closer to you. You hugged Hero- he was so cold.. He tensed for a moment before relaxing. "Why the sudden affection?" He asked, a flusteredness in his tone. "I felt like you needed it."

   "Well in that case," He turned and hugged you, though it felt like he didn't know what he was doing. You grinned, moving closer, "You sayin I need affection?" He looked at you and smiled, "That is indeed what I'm implying." You leaned into his touch, sighing contently, "Well thank you."

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