Y/N & Angel Alone

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Arriving at Porn Studios, you got out and looked at the building. "Whoa." You said. "Trust me. It's a lot bigger inside." Angel said as he patted your waist. You felt weirded out. "I knew Angel was like that, but I didn't think he's that much." You said. You followed Angel and Valentino inside and you looked around. While you looked around, Angel took the time to look at you and chuckled. "Hey, babe. Follow me." Angel said. He walked away and you followed.

After a while, you and Angel arrived at a room. "So, what's this?" You asked. Angel chuckled as pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. "Wait, this isn't your room, is it?" You asked. "It is. But, technically, it's my dressing room." Angel said. You blushed. "Oh, boy." You said. "What's wrong? You nervous I'd do something to you? Don't worry. I won't. Yet." Angel said. You gulped and sighed. When Angel opened the door, he told you to go first and you went inside and looked around. "Huh. Not what I was expecting." You said. You looked around and while you did, you heard a door close and a lock clicked. You looked and realized the door was locked. "Guess it's just me and you now." Angel said.

You looked at Angel. "Aren't you going a little fast?" You asked. "Some people say it's not fast enough." Angel said.

"Well, now that I'm trapped here, what do you intend to do with me?" You asked

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"Well, now that I'm trapped here, what do you intend to do with me?" You asked. "Nothing. But now, I have you all to myself." Angel said. "Wait, what about Val?" You asked. "Man, fuck him. Your all I care about." Angel said as he got up and wrapped his first row of arms around your neck. You wanted to push him back, but there's something in you that made you feel like you wanted this, so you sorta played along. "Well, if I'm what'll satisfy you, then I guess I won't hesitate to amuse you." You said.

"Whoa. You've perked right up. Have I activated your trigger button?" Angel asked. "I guess so." You said. "That's what I like to hear. Alright, but first, I have one rule you must follow." Angel said. "Alright." You said. "From now on, your name is not Y/N L/N to me when I'm around. I'm calling you Schnookums. Alright?" Angel asked. "Schnookums? Isn't that what you call other males?" You asked. "Sometimes. But, your different than those sons of bitches. So, what do you say?" Angel asked. You thought about it. "Alright." You said.

"Good. But, first things first." Angel said as he hugged you. You got confused, but you yelped in pain and felt Angel bite your neck. "What was that for?!" You asked. "Too late. I've already marked my territory. Now, your all mine. And mine alone." Angel said as he purred in pleasure. "Oh, boy." You said.

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