lust and hunger- chapter 1

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"Y/N?" the lady at the coffee shop called

"Oh that's me" you say getting up from your table. 

"Here's your coffee with extra cream" the woman said handing you your drink with a bright smile

"Thank you..." you looked down at her name tag on her shirt "Linda" you said, smiling back at her

As you whipped around, you crashed into someone, spilling your coffee all over yourself. 

"Seriously?" you said as you looked up. Your face immediately softened when you looked at him. Oh shit. He's gorgeous

He was tall, had black hair, and was muscular.... Not ripped but had toned arms. 

"My apologies." he said bending down to help you pick up your coffee that just spilled all over your white shirt and on the floor.

"Don't worry about it." you said flatly but with a small smile.

Linda came around the counter with a mop and helped you guys clean it up.

"Here's another coffee" she said handing you a fresh, hot cup. 

"Thank you so much." you said as you took it from her.

You turned back at the man and said;

"I'm so sorry for practically screaming in your face" 

"It's ok, don't worry. I should have been looking where I was going" he said softly

Immediately, heat rose to your cheeks. You shook it away by saying,

"Have a nice day" and walked away to sit down. 

You couldn't help but glance up at him every once in a while. You looked up and caught his eye. You both locked eyes for what seemed like a long but you broke it when you heard the door bell jingle. Another customer walked in. You cleared your throat and pulled out your phone so it wouldn't be awkward. You were scrolling through Instagram when you heard a pair of shoes walking up to you. You looked up and saw him, standing at your table.

"May I?" he asked gesturing to sit down in front of you.

"Of course" you said moving your purse out of the way. 

"I'm Aaron Hotchner, by the way"

"Y/N" you said as a small smile spreaded across your mouth.

"Oh I just wanted to apologize again for spilling your drink on you." he said 

"Oh, really it's fine" you said as you let out a small laugh.

You both sat there for a minuet but you broke the silence by asking,

"So are you from around here?" 

"Yeah, actually I have to leave for my job in a few minuets" he said 

"Oh, well I don't want you to be late" you said

"It's okay. Most of my colleagues come in late anyways" 

You laughed and then you remembered you're starting a new job tomorrow.

"Well, I just got accepted into my dream job today. I start tomorrow" you said with a smile on your face.

"That's great! Congratulations!" Hotch said smiling

"Thanks. I'm really excited" You replied

"Well, I should go." he said, getting up. "It was nice to meet you Y/N" 

You blushed and said, "You too, Aaron" 

You waved goodbye and sat back in your seat when he left. You couldn't stop thinking about his smile, his fierce but kind voice, and his personality. 

Well, I should probably get going. You thought as you left the coffee shop. 


Author's Note:

lmfao this chapter is the definition of shit💀 i promise it'll get better i just wanted to let y'all know how you and hotch first met. 

love u all bitches <33

- k

edit: 12/2/2020 .

y'all this story is so fucking bad. anyways, go follow my new account, @thatravenclawgirl-

lust and hunger | aaron hotchner  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now