lust and hunger- chapter 11

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Your POV-

You place over at the clock thats sitting on the table in your motel room. 4:30AM. You groan and turn over to see Aaron sound asleep. You get out of bed, put on black leggings and a white sports bra, and tie your hair up. You grab your phone and your ear buds. You quietly leave the room so that no one will hear you. You walk to the lobby of the motel and wave at the person in the front before jogging out. You breathe in the fresh morning Florida air before putting in your earbuds and lightly jogging.


It won't go away
I've got that feeling rushing through my body
I know that, it is here just stay
It's like you, my personal illuminate

You stop for a minuet to catch your breath and you blast the music through your ear buds. It's so beautiful out. The weather is warm, the sun is rising, you can hear the quiet chirps of the birds.

I know that, some much shade that I am just a bad girl
But if you treat me right
I will be the best girl in this whole world
No, I'm not gonna bite

You take a deep breath before starting up again. It's quiet outside... almost too quiet. You take out your ear buds for a minuet to listen to what's around you. Not a single car on the road. You shake off the feeling and put your music on again. 

I got my hands on your body
So tell me
Tell me, what you want me to do
I can be good or be naughty
Because that
Ain't nobody love you like I do
... Like I do

You realize that you've ran 5 miles and you check your phone to see what time it is. 6:20AM. 

Listen and relax, from here on
You don't have to say a word
So just let go and don't hold back
I've got you
Welcome to my world

I know that, so much shade I am just a bad girl
But if you treat me right
I will be the best girl in this whole world
No I'm not gonna bite

 As you're heading back, you feel someone following you. You ignore it and keep running. You're almost there when you stop to catch your breath. That's when you feel it, the sudden pain in your head. You touch the back of your head and feel the warm, red, blood on your hands. You groan as you start to see the road in front of you start to spin. You pray that someone drives by and helps you. Your legs start to feel like jelly and you collapse on the ground, your blood spilling on the pavement beneath you. "P-please. I-I need a doctor." you say to the man standing over you. "You'll be just fine, gorgeous." he says before throwing you over his shoulder and throwing you in the back of a black van. "H-help" you softly cry out before you pass out.  

(Author's Note)

lmfao sorry this chapter is really short 

butttt the next chapter will be more... chaotic

i finished pre-writing the final chapters. (im writing chapter 16 and then im ending with an epilogue so technically there's 17 chapters but like...) 

anyways, just some TW, the next chapter mentions sexual assault and stuff like that so if you're uncomfortable with that, you can skip over it 

- kayla :)

lust and hunger | aaron hotchner  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now