lust and hunger- chapter 12

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Hotch's POV-

I groan as I open my eyes. "What time is it?" I grumble as I look at the clock. 7:50AM. "Ugh, shoot, Y/N we have to get ready now." I say as I turn to face her. I'm met by white silk blankets. "Y/N?" I ask. I get up and look on the table next to the bed. 

Hey Hotch-

I went out for a run. I'll be back soon :)

- Y/N 

I get dressed and walk down to the lobby and greet the team. "Good morning, lover boy." Morgan teases. "Don't call me that." I say. "Dude, relaxxx. And plus you're not subtle... at all. My room was right next to you and I could hear you guys." Morgan says, smirking. I feel my face heat up. "Where's Y/N?" Emily asks, walking with JJ. "She went out for a run, she'll be back any minuet. She left a note." I say, looking down at my phone to see if she called. It's been an hour. 


"Hey did a young woman leave earlier?" Morgan asks the receptionist at the lobby. "Yeah. She said she was going on a jog. She didn't come back yet. Why is there something wrong?" the man asks. "I hope not." Morgan says, dialing Y/N's *personal* phone. "Heyo! This is Y/N, I'm not able to come to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll return your call! Have a great day!" we heard Y/N's bubbly voice say on the other end of the phone. "Okay, something definitely wrong." I say, frantically looking around. "Okay, Hotch calm down." JJ says. Just as she says that my phone lights up. 

Attachment: one video 

Sender: unknown 

"Guys." I say, as the team huddles around my phone. I open the file and see a video of Y/N.

"Aaron Hotchner. You have 24 hours to find her or I kill her " A deep voice says on the video. "P-please help me, Aaron." Y/N sobs on the other end. Her clothes were ripped off and she was sitting in her bra and underwear. She was tied to a seat and she was beat; blood was all over her. "P-please help me!" she screamed again before the screen went dark. 

I took a deep breath and stared at my phone. The team all looked horrified. "I-is that our unsub?" JJ asks, her voice slicing through  the silence. "If it is, why would he take Y/N and beat her? It's totally against his MO." Reid asks. "Because he's a son of a bitch that's why." I yell. The person at the desk of the lobby jumps from my yelling. "Hotch I know you care about her but you need to calm down. Let's go to the station and we'll figure everything out there." Emily says, placing a hand on my back. 

Your POV-

"P-please let me go" you sob. "M-my team will find me." you say, terrified but you try to keep your voice steady. A large tear rolls down your cheek. You feel dirty. You look and see your clothes on the floor, covered in your blood. "P-please I need medical attention." you plead. "Shut up you whore!" a man in a hood yells. You can't see his face, only his piercing blue eyes. "Let me go!" you cry out. "I said, SHUT UP!" he yells before slapping you across the face. You cry out in pain. Your tears sting when they hit your cheek. "Please! At least give me a washcloth so I can clean myself up." you ask. "Shut up or I'll kill you and I'll force Aaron Hotchner to watch." the unsub says, holding a knife up to your neck. You sob. "O-okay" you manage to say in between sobs. 

Hotch's POV-

The team and I arrive at the police precinct and we all walk in. "Agents." one of the cops greet us, nodding. "Jackson" Morgan replies, shaking his hand. "What can I do for you?" he asks. "One of our team mates was captured. We need your help trying to find her." I say trying not to explode with anger. "Of course, anything to help." he says, quickly pulling over a white board. "Okay, so we know she was taking in a 5 mile radius from the motel. We have cops searching the area." Emily says, sitting down at the wooden table. My phone rings again. "Hotchner." "Hi, Agent Hotchner, I'm Sheriff Johnson. I'm with some other cops and we're looking for your agent. We don't see her but there's a whole lot of blood and there's a phone here... it's about 2 miles from the motel." the sheriff says over the phone. I can feel the blood leave my face. "U-um, is there anything else there? Anything that'll help us see where she is?" I ask. "No, but there's a note here. I'll send a picture of it now." he says before hanging up. My phone lights up. 

Attachment: one image 

Sender: Sheriff Johnson.

I open it and see a carefully written note. 

Agent Hotchner-

You have 24 hours to find your little bitch or I put 3 bullets in her head. Good luck.

My breathing becomes faster and I can feel myself panicking. "Hotch." Rossi says. "We'll get her. But we need you at your best. You know her better than anyone so you know that she's strong." Rossi says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I-I need some air." I say quickly before walking out of the room. 


"I-I need some air" I hear Hotch say before he quickly walks out of the room. "Hotch-" Rossi says. "Let him go, he'll be back." I say to Rossi before sitting down next to Emily. "Okay, so why would our unsub take Y/N? It's totally against his MO. Normally he would take the women, rape them, and then clean them up and carefully dump then... so why Y/N?" Reid asks, looking at the map on the whiteboard. "Maybe it's a petty kidnapping." I ask. "I mean the note and the video was directed to Hotch because the unsub somehow knows that Hotch cares about her..." I continue. 

"Wait, JJ has a point." Morgan says. He picks up his phone and dials Garcia. "Hey, baby girl." he says. "Hello, my knight in shining armor." she responds. "I'm sending over a video. I need you to look at each frame and see if you can find anything to identity the place." Morgan says. We hear a chime on Garcia's end and then we hear her gasp. "O-oh my gosh. Is that Y/N?" we hear her say. "Yes, our unsub took her. We think it was to get back at Hotch for something because that video was directed to him, as was a note that the unsub left." I say, putting a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "Okay, I'll be back in a few." she says before hanging up. 

Your POV-

You look around the room. You're in a basement. You look at the clock on the wall. 1:00PM. Your head is still spinning from when he hit you. You're alone now. Completely alone in the dark with only one dim light on the other end of the room. You sob and try to get out of the ropes restraining you. You remember the unsub's voice, Aaron Hotchner, you have 24 hours to find her or I will kill her. "Why does he sound so familiar?" You think to yourself. Your thoughts are interrupted when the door to the basement flies open. You yelp and cry. The hooded man walks in and kneels in front of you.

 "You have one call to make. 10 minutes." he says, handing you a disposable phone before walking out. You grab it and frantically dial Hotch's number after he walks out of the room. 

"Hotchner." you hear his deep voice on the other end. A wave of reassurance crashes over you when you hear his voice. "A-Aron?" you ask, trembling. "Y/N?" he asks. "H-hey it's me." you say, sobbing. "Guys! It's Y/N!" Hotch calls out. You hear your team talking to you and telling you that it's going to be okay. "Who's phone is that?" you hear JJ ask. "I-its a disposable phone. The unsub gave it to me. He said I have 10 minutes to call someone." you say, your voice shaking. "Okay, Y/N what do you see around you?" Hotch calmly asks. "I- nothing" you start to cry again. "Please don't cry. You're going to be okay." you can hear Hotch's voice crack a little. "I-I'm in a basement. I don't see anything around me. There's no windows. There's only one door." you say, looking around the room hoping for something that you can identify. "Okay, Y/N stay calm." Hotch says. The door flies open. "Times up." the unsub says before grabbing the phone. "AARON PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE. I'M SCARED!"you scream. "Y/N! Y/N!" Hotch yells before the sunsub smashes the phone. You sit back in your chair and sob. "P-Please let me go." you cry as you sniff. "Shut up, bitch." the unsub roars before smacking you across the face.


(Author's Note)


anyways, this chapter was interesting

i literally stayed up until like 3am doing homework so im so fucking tired 

i love u all. stay safe and healthy 


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