lust and hunger- chapter 14

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Hotch's POV-

The team and I jog to the 3 black cars outside of the precinct. "Officer. Gather up some men. We're gonna need backup." Morgan demands. The young officer nods and goes to get his men. I climb into a car with Prentiss and Reid. "Morgan, JJ, and Officer Johnson. Go to the second location of the abandoned building. I'll have Garcia email us the addresses." Hotch says, as he dials Garcia. "Sir?" she asks. "Hey Garcia. I need the locations of the buildings you found." he says. "Sending them... now." she says. I look down at my phone and see two addresses. "Thanks, Garcia." I say. "Of course, stay safe!" she says before the line disconnects. "Let's go get this son of a bitch." I say.

Your POV-

"Wake up!" you hear the unsub's loud voice yell. You jump up and look at him. "You need to eat." he says, handing you a burger and some water. "No I'm not eating." you spit as you slap his hand.

He looks at you and you can see the anger in his face. "Fine. You can starve then." he sneers as he walks out of the room. You let out the breath that you've been holding in. "Come on, Aaron." you cry as you tremble.

Hotch's POV-

"Hotch, this one's clear. You're at the right building." I hear JJ say over the comms. I nod at Prentiss and Reid as we slowly climb out of the cars. "One, two, three." Emily counts, before kicking down the door and storming into the building. 

"Oh, God this place is huge." Emily states, looking at the dark building. "We should split up. It'll be easier finding her." Reid says, drawing his gun and turning off the safety. "Okay, Prentiss cover the first and second floor. Reid, go up to the third floor. I'll go to the base-" I start but am cut off by a blood wrenched scream coming from the basement. Reid and Prentiss exchange glances before we all run down to the stairs.

"Wait. Don't storm all in once." Prentiss says, lowering her gun and putting it in her holster. "He's delusional so if we all storm in there, he'll be more violent." Reid softly says.

"Fine. I'll go in first, though." I say as I slowly make my way down the stairs.

(Author's Note)


anyways, im really sorry that this chapter was so bad. i wrote it in like 30 minutes. 

but i already wrote chapter 15 and i really like it! it's chaotic and a little sad.

buttt off topic, im starting a spencer reid fanfic and im going to post it a few days after i finish this story, so look forward to that! 

but ily all and ty for reading :)

lust and hunger | aaron hotchner  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now