lust and hunger- chapter 13

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Hotch's Pov-

"Hotch, calm down we'll find her." Morgan assures me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I slowly nod as I think about Y/N and what she has to be going through. The unknown is what scares me. Suddenly, I hear my phone ring and I feel it vibrate in my pocket. 

"Hotchner." I say into the phone, wondering who's calling me considering my team with sitting in front of me. "A-Aron?" I hear Y/N's trembling voice on the other end of the line. "Y/N?" I desperately ask, hoping she's okay. "H-hey it's me." I hear her sob into the other end of the phone. "Guys! It's Y/N." I call over the team. They all walk over with worried expressions on their faces. "Who's phone are you using?" JJ asks Y/N. "I-its a disposable phone. The unsub gave it to me. He said I have 10 minutes to call someone." Y/N responds. I could hear the fear in her voice.  "Okay, Y/N what do you see around you?" I calmly ask, hoping it'll relax her. "I- nothing" she panics and then starts to sob again. "Please don't cry. You're going to be okay." I say, my voice cracking a little. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath. "I-I'm in a basement. I don't see anything around me. There's no windows. There's only one door." Y/N says. "Okay, Y/N stay calm." I say. I can hear the door fly open and I hear someone march inside of the room Y/N's in. "Times up." I hear a deep voice say. Suddenly, I hear Y/N screech and scream. "AARON PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE. I'M SCARED!" "Y/N! Y/N!" I yell into the phone before the line disconnects. "Bitch!" I yell as I pound my fists on the wooden table. 

"Hotch, calm down we'll fin-" Emily starts. "Don't tell me to calm down!" I snap. "She's out there alone, scared, she doesn't know where she is, so I'm sorry if I'm panicking." I yell at her before I storm out of the room. 

Prentiss' Pov-

"She's out there alone, scared, she doesn't know where she is, so I'm sorry if I'm panicking." Hotch yells at me as he storms out of the room. "Hotch, wait." I start to walk in his direction. "Let him cool off." JJ says, putting her hand on my back. I nod and sit down at the table again. "He's just worried about Y/N, Prentiss. He didn't mean to snap at you." Morgan says. "Yeah" I whisper. 

"Okay, so we have to find out where's he's keeping her." I quickly say, changing the subject. "Can you call Garcia?" I ask Morgan. He picks up his phone and dials the blonde technical analyst. "Hey, baby girl. We need your help- you're on speaker." Morgan says. "Oh my gosh. Did you find Y/N yet?" she asks, worry in her voice. "No, not yet. That's why we called you." JJ says, fiddling with the pen in her hand. "Okay, loves what do you need?" her bubbly voice says, tinted with worry. "We need you to look up all abandoned buildings where we are." Morgan's booming voice demands. "Of course, my love. Call you when I get something. PG out!" she says before hanging up. "Well, I guess we just have to wait." I say, looking at Spencer who has his eyes focused on the map. "Got anything?" I ask, walking over to him. "No, I wish I did. I feel so... useless. We're all just sitting around why Y/N's out there." he says, his sad hazel eyes looking at me. "I know, Spencer, but we're doing everything we can." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll be right back." I say as I walk out of the room, looking for Hotch.

I step outside of the precinct and I feel the warm sun on my face. I look over to the other side of the road and see Hotch, sitting on a bench. I sigh as I walk over to him.

"Hotch." I say as I sit next to him. "Listen, I'm sorry that you're hurting but we're doing everything that we can, and panicking is just going to make the situation worse. Y/N's strong, she's going to be okay." I softly say to him. "I know. I just, I'm worried about her. That's it." he says. "We all are." I look at him one more time before I walk back inside with the rest of the team.

"Is he ok?" Morgan asks. "He'll be fine. He just needs to be alone for a while." I say, sitting back down. "Well, while you were outside, Penelope found something. Apparently there are 3 abandoned building within a 100 mile radius of where the hotel was. Two out of the three buildings are under the same name- Patrick Shepard." Morgan says. 

(Patrick Shepard. Comment if you know what I did there)

"Oh?" I ask. "Is that our unsub?" I ask, hopeful. "Looks like it. I had Pen do a background check on him. Apparently he was sent to prison for attempted rape. He was there for 10 years and got released a few weeks ago." Rossi adds. "Wow, 10 years. Why would he go back to his old habits if he knew he would get caught?" JJ asks, looking at Rossi. "He can't help it. He needs to find more victims, he won't stop until we catch him." Rossi says. "Prentiss, go get Hotch. Tell him we found our guy." Rossi tells me. I nod and go outside to get him.

"Hotch, we think we know who the unsub is. There are 2 abandoned buildings in a 100 mile radius of the hotel and 2 are owned by the same guy." I say, as we walk into the precinct. 

"Okay, guys, let's go get her." Hotch says. 

(Author's Note)

protective hotch, protective hotch, protective hotch


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