meeting robin

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One day she was feeling extra energized and happy. She decided to redecorate her room. In order to get the supplies to do this she would have to go to the mall. Putting on a pair of leggings and an oversized hoody she made her way to the mall. She had been to tired to do her hair so she had her hair down. She quickly put on some makeup to cover the fact that she hadn't slept in nearly a week and was living off coffee. She made her way through the mall bumping into a few people on the way. She got deep red wallpaper. It had gold designs on it. She also got a new beanbag, fairy lights, lots of paint, a rug, and a hammer and nails. She was about to go back to her room when she noticed a fabric shop. It was rather small so she nearly missed it but she was glad she found it. She really needed more fabric for commissions. She walked in the door making a small ding noise. The place was much larger on the inside than the outside. It was also quite popular which was unusual for a fabric store. A perky young lady probably about 19 went to help marinette. "Do you need any help" she asked brightly. Her smile must have been contagious because marinette smiled back while shacking her head."no I'm just browsing". Marinette then went to the very back of the store to avoid people and began looking around. She found many amazing fabrics never used because no one looked there. Just then a guy wearing a horrendous outfit of purple and green came in with his goons. It was the riddler. Since I was in the back he didn't see me. Not wanting to cause a scene I just hid. About 30 seconds later the bats came.( I am not very good at fight scenes so please don't hate). Riddler stirred singing a nursery rhyme. If I hadn't researched all of gotham's villains I would have found this really weird or wondered if an akuma can travel that far. "Answer my riddles and I will let these innocent people go, said the riddler smirking. "Let's play",said batman in a deep voice that did not match the words that he was saying. The riddler smiled before telling his riddles."what month has 28 days". "All of them". "What is always in front of you but can never be seen". "The future". "What can you break even if you don't pick it up or touch it". "A promise". "What goes up but never comes down". "Your age". "What gets wet while drying". "A towel". "I shave everyday yet my hair stays the same. what am I". "A barber". The riddler was starting to get angry. There was only one riddle left. He had to make it count.


During this interaction marinette had stayed hidden. She had to force herself into a small space and was in weird position but at least she could see everything that was happening. The riddler was telling riddles batman was answering them correctly. For every riddle batman got correct the riddler got angrier. He got to his last riddle. By his side robin and nightwing were observing the scene taking in the amount of goons there were and where there were positioned in case they had to fight. The riddler after much consideration told his last riddle. "A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday. How is that possible". For once batman seemed stumped. I looked at the last person. It was the nice lady who had offered to help me find my fabric. Seeing riddler about to kill her if batman didn't answer soon I said the answer. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I did it. My body acted on its own. "He was born on February 29",I responded. Lucky for me riddler was focused on his hostage and robin and nightwing were focusing on making an escape plan so they didn't notice that it wasn't batman who said that. Only berman seemed to realise this but before he had time to process this information riddler released the hostage and attacked. As they fought batman asked,"didn't you say that if we answered the riddles you would let us go". "No I said if you answered the riddles I'd let the innocent people go",said the riddler smirking. The fight was not long thanks to robin and nightwing's planning. But then 2 more goons came through the door and came right behind robin and nightwing. They were about to stab the hero's,(I am calling them hero's because that's what they are ),when I jumped out of my hiding spot. They started to realise that there were 2 goons behind them and that there was nothing they could do when I took them down. It didn't take long to do. I swept my leg under both of there feet when they weren't expecting it and they fell to the ground.

Damains pov

I got an alert saying that riddler had attacked a nearby shop. Me and nightwing were patrolling together. We got there as fast as we could. Batman was already there when we got there answering riddles. I looked around. There were about 7 people being held hostage by the riddler's goons. I looked around thinking about different strategies. The last riddle was answered by someone who didnt sound like batman but I paid no attention to that. I had figured out the perfect strategy. After the last hostage was released he attacked us. He said something but I didn't listen. I putting all my energy on carrying out my plan. All of the sudden I saw someone emerge from a small space. The space was so small I can't imagine how they fit in there but they did. Seeing this caused me to pay attention to my surroundings. I noticed 2 goons behind me. There was nothing I could do. But then the person who had emerged from the hiding spot took them down like they were nothing. Who was this girl?

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