I do not know what to title this

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Thank you so much for 8k reads I never thought I'd get up to this point. Thank you so much for all your support. I had been debating whether or not actually publish this and I'm so glad that I did. Also once again sorry for not posting a lot. Also I want to thank childofthemoon14, JenniferLittke5, Blossom-205, and HiyafolksUwU
Marinette's pov

After taking down the goons and saving the hero's of gotham's butts I tried to back to the back of the store to continue browsing when I got held back. It was batman. "We have some questions for you", he said in a deep voice. I sighed great just my luck it was my first time going out in gotham and I had to answer questions for batman after having to help take down a villain who just happened to get hostages from the shop that I was trying to shop at. Could this day get any worse. "What do you want to know",I asked trying not to let my exhaustion and annoying spill into my voice. I just wanted to know who you are and how you took riddler's goons down. I sighed slightly at these questions. I just want to be designing right now. I diverted my eyes from the hero's knowing how awful there outfits are and that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from criticising. "My name is marinette and I am new to gotham. I was able to take them down because I took defence classes to protect myself from the criminals in gotham", I lied. I hated lying but I had to do it to keep my identity safe so I got used to it.

Damian's pov

I watched as the girl tried to go back to the back of the store but dad stoped them. "We have some questions for you", batman said in his gruff voice. His voice was not actually that gruff but he wanted to seem mature and professional not that anyone else knew that. "What do you want to know that" girl said. She did a pretty good job of hiding her exhaustion and annoyance but I was trained to notice stuff like that. It made me want to laugh. Finally someone who realised how annoying batman is. I got so caught up in my thought that I didn't hear the questions my dad asked but I listened to her answer. Something about her interested me. Nothing more than that. "My name is marinette and I am new to gotham. I took defence classes to protect myself from the criminals, this marinette replied. I sighed. That makes sense I mean gotham is known for its criminals. But if she knew that there were criminals why did she come. I wondered. Oh well who cares. Just than I noticed that she was anywhere but at us. " It seems as though nightwing noticed this too because he asked" why are you not looking at us. Are we making you uncomfortable". Her response caught me off guard and slightly amused me "It's just I'm a aspiring fashion designer and I'm trying my best not to criticise your fashion choices. Insulting the heros of gotham is not a very good way to start your stay in gotham".

Marinette's pov

I noticed that robin seemed amused by his answer while nightwing seemed intrigued. "Can you tell us what wrong with our outfits. It's nice to have some constructive criticism",said nightwing. "Are you sure. I won't hold back", I responded. Most people thought that since I was super nice and the worst thing I would say is that color doesn't suit you or you should really move that to the other side. He simply nodded. "Okay so let's start off with you robin. You may have the least awful outfit of the robins but that is not saying much. Those colors are absolutely awful together. Those shades of the colors don't even match and don't suit you plus it makes your eyes look horrible not to mention how unpractical it is for trying to hide. Someone could see you from a mile away even if you tried to hide. Then your weapons are not hidden nor secured making them very easy to get stolen. And it will not protect you from getting hurt. The stitching is the worst thing I have ever seen it looks like a 3 year old did it....... I continued ranting about how riddulous it looks (great I'm turning into chloe) for about 20min. By that time batman and nightwing were trying to stifle laughs and robin looked like he was about to kill. Suddenly nightwing couldn't hold his laugh back any longer and burst out sounding like a pig. "Don't get me started on you", I began.

Damains pov

She spent nearly 20min insulting my outfit. I heard stifled laughs behind me but I ignored it glaring my famous batglare at her. She did not seem bothered by it at all. In fact she seemed amused. That's a first I thought. Behind me nightwing couldn't hold it in anymore and started snort laughing. He sounded like a pig. Marinette started badly covering up a laugh at his weird snorting before saying "don't get me started on you".

Time skip brought by robins anger

It was my turn to laugh. Marinette had spent the better part of an hour insulting nightwing and batman's suit. She didn't lie. She did not hold back a word. I recorded it so that I could play it for the others. Maybe this is not such a bad day. I got new teasing material. Then batman had to ruin this wonderful moment. "Why dont you help this nice young lady get home. We don't want there to be any accidents right". He said looking no plating at nightwing. "Right he said teasingly".

Batman's pov

I heard nightwing say "can you tell is what is wrong with our outfits. It's nice to have some constructive criticism". "Okay but I won't hold back", marinette says. This amused me because the girl looked too nice to insult someone or be rude at all. They look like the type of person that would apologize too much. I was very surprised when she did a 30min rant about how bad robins costume is. Not too mention the fact that she didn't just take in style but practically. She pointed out some stuff that would make fighting easier. I was very impressed. I couldn't help myself from letting out a light chuckle. Beside me nightwing was trying so hard not to laugh. It was very obvious. I sighed knowing that damain would try to kill nightwing when we got home. Nightwing finally gave in and laughed very loudly. I noticed that people started looking and taking and videos of the scene going down. "Marinette turned her attention from looking at robin to looking at nightwing. She laughed lightly at his weird laughing before instantly getting serious. "Don't get me started on you.

Then skip cuz I know nothing about fashion.

She spent an entire hour ridiculing both nightwing and my outfits. Damain was laughing his head off. I noticed that he had recorded the entire thing but they probably already heard about it. There are so many people outside taking videos. I decided to annoy Damain a little because that's what good dads do right? Plus this girl seems nice. Maybe Damain will make a friend (or a girlfriend). I didn't get my hopes up though. "Why don't you help this nice lady get home ",I said trying to be polite since we were being recorded and there was a civilian watching us. "We don't want there to be any accidents right". I looked at nightwing hoping for some backup on thas while trying to get him to realise my plan. He seemed stumped for a few seconds before saying "right" in a super teasing tone. I almost felt bad for him. I saw Damain blush slightly. Maybe it will be a girlfriend I thought lightly chuckling. He glared at me with his scary glare. I could do a better one but that doesn't mean that it wasn't at all scary. Damain then said "tt fine let's go".

Damains pov

"Tt fine",I said because I knew there was no way I was getting out of this. "Okay let's go then she said cheerfully as if this wasn't super weird that a superhero that she just ridiculed is helping make sure that she gets home safe. We left sneakily through a back door because there were to many people in the front. I could hear batman calming everyone down. I am so going to kill nightwing for this but until now I have to get this random girl home safely. We started walking and I slunk behind her. "There's no point in staying in the shadows. I know your there and your suit looks like a traffic light, we discussed this already. I sighed. "It's better like this because if someone they will get either start recording or if it's a villain attack, plus no one else else can see me." The girl, no marinette sighed and faintly muttered a yeah right but let it go. After a couple of minutes there was a person blocking marinette's path. They looked like bad news. I lightly sighed. I did not want to deal with this right now. The guy (mugger?) Walked up to marinette with a gun pointed at her face. She looked like she was about to attack him but at last second I ran behind her, put one arm around her and used the other to shoot my grappling hook onto a nearby roof top. Marinette looked at me with a are you kidding me right now face before starting to walk across the roof. Suddenly she broke into a run. "That's dangerous you know", I shouted out to her. She ignored me getting closer and closer to the edge of the building before she jumped and landed on the building next to it gracefully. "Are you coming" she shouted those being the first words she said to me this entire walk," walking in the rooftops is the safest option, up here we won't get attacked". Who is this girl I wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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