Inbetween (Connor x Reader x Nines)

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A/N: no important author's note for this one! Enjoy!

The past couple of weeks had been.....strange. To say the least. Ever since Conan became a deviant you could have sworn he had been coming on to you. It was hard to be sure, he was near impossible to read. But that's not where it stops. Connor had also been more clingy than he had before. Not that you minded, you just were confused as to why.

The two androids behavior kept getting worse and worse as time went on. It did nothing to help with the feelings you had grown for each of them. Now it was a miracle if you got out of a conversation with one of them without your cheeks burning and your heart racing. It was torture. But you didn't necessarily hate it.

During the past few weeks, as much as Connor and Conan made you flustered immensely, it wasn't caused by anything that gave you any definiteve proof they actually felt the same about you. They were mostly only their phrasing of certain words and little 'accidental' touches. That was, until tonight.

It was around 9 o'clock and the prescinct was mostly empty. Connor and Hank had gone home not too long ago, leaving you practically alone with Conan. That fact alone made the butterflies fluttering in your stomach go crazy. It didn't help that he seemed to catch every glance you sent his way. You could have sworn you his lips twitch up into a smirk every time but you never looked for too long.

You were currently getting all your belongings together to go home for the night. Your eyes subconsciously flicked up to where Conan was perched but found he wasn't there. That was odd, but you shrugged it off as you pulled on your jacket. Once you had everything you turned to head to the exit when you bumped into a sturdy chest. A surprised squeak escaped you and you looked up to see none other than the stone faced steely eyed android looming over you.

"Jesus Conan, you scared me," you chuckled nervously, the butterflies going haywire.

"My apologies, (Y/n). I was just waiting to escort you out to your car," he replied, his striking eyes boring into your soul.

"O-Oh, that's really nice of you. B-But you don't have to..." you trailed off, adverting your gaze from his as you felt fire rise in your cheeks.

"I want to," he insisted.

That made your eyes instantly flick back up to him, widened slight, "O-Okay, thanks."

He merely gave a little node before gesturing to the exit, "shall we?'

You nodded and lead the way out to the exit. It was taking all of your strength to stop your lips from forming a giant goofy smile. Especially when the fat, slow falling, snowflakes surrounding you two made the whole thing so much more romantic. Sadly, your car wasn't too far in the parking lot and your short walk with Conan swiftly came to an end.

As you two stopped at your car you turned to Conan with half the smile your lips craved to form, "well, thanks for um walking me to my car. I really appreciate it."

"Of course, no one would dare prey on you with me here," he said almost smugly.

You chuckled a bit at that before turning to your car door, "you got that right."

Fishing through your purse, you finally pulled out your keys and unlocked the drivers side door. However before you could open it for yourself, Conan leaned forward and pulled the door open for you. In this position the incredibly tall android practically had you boxed in. You swore your heart was going to beat so fast it would just stop.

"Th-Thanks," you said quietly, glancing at him with a shy smile.

Conan didn't reply, at least not with words. Your breath hitched in your throat when he leaned closer, your faces mere inches apart. You swallowed thickly as he leaned even closer, the faint smirk on his lips being clear as day. It felt like you were about to drop dead when he pressed his lips to your cheek. It only lasted a couple of seconds but the warmth from his touch still lingered.

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